
People Have Been Talking About "The Thing" With Ted Cruz For Some Time Now

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/25/16 01:36PM

This week, the National Enquirer published a story claiming Ted Cruz may have been involved in as many as five extramarital affairs. But the general allegations are nothing new. People have been talking publicly about, well, something involving Cruz for weeks.

Donald Trump's Pro-Discrimination Spokesperson Once Sued Employer for Racial Discrimination

Sam Biddle · 01/08/16 10:05AM

Katrina Pierson is an impressive figure, if only for her ability to out-batshit her employer, Donald Trump. She serves as a campaign spokesperson and talking head, frequently appearing on cable news to offer summaries of Trump’s, discriminatory policy proposals and his general hardline xenophobia and bigotry—which makes it, perhaps, a little funny that once she sued her boss for racial discrimination.

Donald Trump Spokesperson Wears Necklace of Real Bullets on CNN

Sam Biddle · 12/30/15 01:21PM

Katrina Pierson, a person Donald Trumps chooses to represent him on television, wore a necklace made out of ammunition last night on CNN. When someone on Twitter pointed this out, she countered with an insane remark about abortion.