Most people are lucky to land one prominent role as a TV villain, but Katrina Pierson has two: Not only does she appear on cable news almost every night defending the unhinged, hateful words of her boss Donald Trump, she’s also somehow a cast member of “Sisters in Law,” a reality TV show about lawyers, I think.

Based on watching the above preview clips of Thursday’s episode, I’ve figured out the following:

1. The other women on the show hate Katrina because she’s a Republican

2. She got kicked out of some woman’s house (haha)

3. She gets a lot of shit for working with Donald

4. She does a lot of phony hugging and saying of Heeeyyyyy!!

5. The spokesperson for the Donald Trump presidential campaign has been on a reality TV show for three episodes this year and no one noticed.

Sucky behavior on a silly TV show: Just one more thing Katrina Pierson has in common with Trump.

The publicist who sent me these clips asked if I would include the following message, and because it’s April Fool’s Day and everyone’s in a good mood, why not:

If you could include a line saying that “Sisters in Law” airs on Thursdays at 10/9c on WE tv, that would be amazing. FYI - Katrina will be back on the show airing 4/14.

Please note that neither myself nor Gawker Media has watched this show, nor do we condone or endorse its contents.