Presidential candidate Donald Trump may look like this cat, but his spokesperson Katrina Pierson simply cannot stop referring to people as though they are dogs.

On Saturday, Pierson made headlines when an old (still undeleted) tweet of hers, in which she lamented that there were no “pure breeds” running for president in 2012.

Well, as the saying goes, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. In an interview with CNN’s Reliable Sources on Sunday, Brian Stelter asked whether she’d like to retract the statement she made in the tweet. The answer to that question, according to Pierson, is a big, fat no.

STELTER: Would you like to retract that?

PIERSON: No, not at all. Look, these tweets––I’m an activist, and I am a half-breed, I’m always getting called a half-breed, and on Twitter, when you’re fighting with Twitter and even establishment, you go back at them in the same silliness they’re giving you. So I myself am a half-breed.

STELTER: You’re telling me that was just silliness?

PIERSON: Absolutely.

It’s not exactly clear just what type of person qualifies as a “half-breed,” in Pierson’s book. For instance, Donald Trump, the man for whom she stumps, is the grandson of two German-born immigrants. Does that make him a quarter breed?

We may never know. One thing we do know, however, is that there are lots of methods available to make your spokesperson behave while running for president; you can find a handy list of them here.

h/t Mediaite

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