[There was a video here]

During a combative interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Tuesday, Donald Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson questioned whether the candidate owed an apology to the parents of fallen soldier Humayun Khan and seemingly blamed President Obama and Hillary Clinton for his death, which occurred in 2004 under President Bush.

“It was under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that changed the rules of engagement that probably cost his life,” said Pierson, apparently referencing the more restrictive rules of engagement adopted by the U.S. military in Afghanistan in 2009. (Khan was killed by a car bomb in Iraq in 2004.)

“So I don’t understand,” Pierson continued, “why it’s so hard to understand why Donald Trump was confused about why he was being held responsible for something he had nothing to do with while Hillary Clinton had everything to do with.”

Blitzer then thanked her for her time.

UPDATE: After this post was published, CNN sent Gawker this video of Wolf Blitzer clarifying that Barack Obama was not, in fact, President of the United States in 2004.

[h/t Steve Popper]