Katrina Pierson, a woman paid by Donald Trump to make himself seem wise and composed by comparison, appeared on CNN to defend her employer saying “pussy” into a microphone on the campaign trail. Her reasoning is unimpeachable.

Per RawStory:

“When we look at the Founding Fathers and when they were competing, they said far worse things about each other,” Pierson insisted. “This is not nothing [sic] new. This is politics.”

Camerota interrupted: “But isn’t there a difference between political correctness and vulgarity?”

“The line to me is free speech, the First Amendment,” Pierson replied. “What I’m saying is it’s free speech, and this is the Live Free or Die state. Mr. Trump is exercising his free speech, it was in fun with the audience.”

Nothing anyone says matters, at all.

Contact the author at biddle@gawker.com.
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