
Watch Kanye West Repeatedly Get His Ass Handed to Him

Rich Juzwiak · 11/26/13 05:09PM

Kanye West has been so present in the media lately, between promotional appearances and his regular mid-concert "visionary streams of consciousness" (as he calls them), that any interview warranting a mention must be pretty damn special. His showing earlier today on New York's Power 105 is one such interview. For over 40 minutes, the hosts (especially Wendy Williams' former sidekick, Charlamagne the God), pummeled Ye with questions, frequently pointing out his contradictions. These included:

Rich Juzwiak · 11/22/13 02:10PM

"I felt like the main character [in 12 Years a Slave]. And what I'm dealing with even as a mega-popular rich celebrity, you know, 'Fuck you, who do you think you are to complain about anything?' situation that I'm in." - Kanye West

Here's Kanye West Ranting for Over Eight Minutes Straight on Kimmel

Rich Juzwiak · 10/10/13 01:47AM

The first thing you should know about Kanye West's manic episode on tonight's Jimmy Kimmel Live is that he had some shit in the left corner of his mouth for a large portion of it. That was very distracting, and made everything he said that much harder to take seriously.

Kim Kardashian Is Like, Fuck It; Here's a Pic of My Baby

Caity Weaver · 10/04/13 10:50AM

Last month, Kanye West reamed out Jimmy Kimmel on Twitter, bellowing, among other things, "YOU DON'T HAVE SCUM BAGS [sic] HOPPING OVER FENCES TRYING TO TAKE PICTURES OF YOUR DAUGHTER." Today, one of those snap-happy scumbags has been identified: West's lovely girlfriend, Kim Kardashian.

Kanye West to Photographer: "You Bully! You Fuckin' Mosquito Bully!"

Rich Juzwiak · 09/27/13 04:47PM

I really hope that in a few months' time, we don't find out that Kanye West has some personality disorder or other mental-health issue, because watching him react to the world is just too damn fun and I never want to feel bad about enjoying him.

Kanye West Only Wants To Help People, Wears a WWJD Bracelet

Rich Juzwiak · 08/23/13 01:55PM

The public unveiling of North West wasn't the only thing that made Kanye West's hour-long sit down with his baby's grandmother notable. The whole thing had a the stilted air of an infomercial (missed opportunity: a segment in which the quasi-in-laws vacuum-sealed shit for a segment). Kanye was alternately sedate, engaged, sulking (sometimes he'd go from being engaged to sulking over the course of a single, benign topic), and paranoid about the press. Highlights are above, bullet points are below. Pick your poison.

Taylor Swift Mashes Four Years of Rage Into Delicious Fruit Jam

Caity Weaver · 08/20/13 06:21PM

Remember four years ago when something happened to photogenic millionaire Taylor Swift while she was accepting a fake award at a ceremony held by a channel that exists to market cell phones to teenagers? Taylor Swift remembers too. It's the first thing she thinks about when she rolls out of bed and the last thing she pictures before she falls asleep. Her life is an endless carousel of misery, circling 'round and 'round that single moment. Every day she wakes up and discovers it is September 14, 2009; every day is the day after Kanye West's bizarre outburst ensured that the 2009 VMAs would forever be remembered as one of Taylor Swift's Top Four Worst VMAs Ever.

I Saw the Full Kanye HBO Pilot and It Is Incredible

Sam Biddle · 07/22/13 10:41PM

An apology is in order: Kanye West's ill-fated Curb You Enthusiasm clone isn't horrible. Tonight the full, half-hour version, once feared lost to history, was screened before a small audience. It was one of the most batshit crazy, wonderful pieces of television you can't imagine.

The Dzokhar Tsarnaev Rolling Stone Controversy Is Kanye West's Fault

Camille Dodero · 07/22/13 04:39PM

Last week, Rolling Stone's decision to feature Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on its August 1, 2013 cover caused such a major brouhaha that Mayor of Boston denounced the magazine in a statement and a string of retailers declined to stock the issue. But the Marathon Bombing suspect wasn't the editors' first choice for the cover. Know who was? That's right, Yeezy!