
Here Are Kim, Kanye, and a Really Long Hashtag on the Cover of Vogue

Jay Hathaway · 03/21/14 01:45PM

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West appear on the cover of April's Vogue, along with the word "selfie" and the #WorldsMostImpracticalHashtag. Looks like the "world's most talked-about couple"—sorry, Jay and Bey—got Annie Leibovitz to take the world's most #trill wedding photo.

Here's Kanye West Rationally Explaining His Creative Frustration

Rich Juzwiak · 02/26/14 02:31AM

On Tuesday's Late Night with Seth Meyers, Kanye West truly cracked the Matrix. Without raising his voice or spiraling into narrative curlicues or providing any of the intensity necessary to render this 2+ minute verbal essay on his creative prowess a "rant," West lucidly explained what he's been saying for a while now: He feels stifled by powers that be who expect him to work in a certain way because of his established profile. He feels limited in his permitted expression, particularly when it comes to fashion.

Rich Juzwiak · 01/20/14 03:30PM

"I just close my eyes and act like I'm a 3-year-old. I try to get as close to a childlike level as possible because we were all artists back then," begins Kanye West in his Interview interview with Steve McQueen. It only gets better from there, with Kanye being equally reasonable and outlandish, just like we like him.

Beyoncé's Just Like Everyone Else, But Much Better

Rich Juzwiak · 12/13/13 05:53PM

When Beyoncé walks, she tells us, she walks with a vengeance. When she enters the room, she commands every eyeball and ear her way. And what an entrance it was, the release of her surprise fifth album, the consistently dazzling BEYONCÉ, which landed on iTunes without previous announcement last night.

Here's Kanye West Screaming at and Apologizing to Sway

Rich Juzwiak · 11/27/13 10:53AM

As briefly noted, after what would have been a humbling interview with Power 105's Breakfast Club to just about any other person on the planet, Kanye West went on to appear on the Sirius show of MTV personality, Sway. We used to just have audio, and now there is almost 35 minutes of video. Thank Yeezus.