
Kanye West Debuts Official “Black Skinhead” Clip, Invents Screenshot

Rich Juzwiak · 07/22/13 10:57AM

Kanye "Little Mac" West has finally unveiled the official "Black Skinhead" on his website. Aside from a few added transitions of CGI dobermans snarling and some removed CG-eyes that peered out of the periphery, it is the exact same video that leaked earlier this month. That leak prompted a string of tweets from the now-Twitter terse West, who moaned, "Me and Nick Knight have been working on this video for 5 months and for creatives it's heartbreaking when something like this happens."

Leaked: Secret Tape of Kanye West Ranting About Taylor Swift, Racism

Rich Juzwiak · 07/18/13 03:15PM

Gawker has obtained audio of an alleged Kanye West erratically justifying his interruption of Taylor Swift's acceptance speech during the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards ("Because I wrote my ['Run This Town'] verse in two days, Taylor Swift cannot beat Beyoncé"), ranting about not being asked to perform at the ceremony over Pink, and claiming that his mother, Donda West, "died for this fame shit."

Let's All Laugh at How Bad Kanye West's HBO Pilot Was

Sam Biddle · 07/15/13 03:27PM

Did you know: in 2010, someone uploaded a clip of Kanye West's improv sitcom HBO pilot to YouTube, and nobody noticed? Three full years and four Kanye albums have passed, and we haven't made fun of him for this. Let's do that riii-iiight now.

Cord Jefferson · 07/15/13 12:39PM

Through a collaboration with fashion label APC, rapper Kanye West is selling a $120 white t-shirt dubbed simply the "hip hop t-shirt." It's a nice slap in the face for anyone who doesn't already think hip hop is being slowly choked to death by millionaires.

Kanye West To Whomever Leaked The “Black Skinhead” Video: FUK YOU!

Rich Juzwiak · 07/09/13 04:35PM

Once prolific tweeter Kanye West has again taken to Twitter to vaguely explain yesterday's "Black Skinhead" video debacle. The video, which appeared not on his own official site as we initially reported but a site run by his label group Universal Music, he says was unfinished and prematurely leaked. To whomever is responsible, West tweeted "FUK YOU!" That person doesn't even deserve a full "FUCK," that's how low he or she is.

Kanye West Shows His Giant Sims Dick in Pulled “Black Skinhead” Video

Rich Juzwiak · 07/08/13 06:43PM

Earlier today, Kanye West posted the official video for the Yeezus single "Black Skinhead" on his official site. [Update: MTV News points out that the site on which the video was posted is actually a Universal Music Group "development" page.] It features a CGI Kanye dancing to song's Gary Glitter-esque shuffle. It's bad. Really bad. It looks kind of like The Sims or maybe an interstitial from Tekken 2. It's definitely not polished enough for Just Dance. "This is that goon shit / Fuck up your whole afternoon shit," snarls Kanye, but this video wouldn't even fuck up your brunch.

Lou Reed Has Accepted Yeezus as His Lord and Savior

Rich Juzwiak · 07/02/13 10:19AM

Just when you thought that everyone and their Hamptons spouse had weighed in on Kanye West's sixth solo album, Yeezus, along comes rock god Lou Reed to gush about the "majestic and inspiring," minimal/maximal, "manic depressive" work from the "really, really, really" talented West.

"I Will Die for What’s in My Heart": Kanye West in His Own Words

Kanye West · 06/25/13 03:22PM

I’m from Chicago.1 I was always on my own island.2 Ever since I was at preschool I had little kids following me around. The teacher just said I was a natural born leader.3 I was in fourth grade painting nude women, because I was a proper artist!4

Caity Weaver · 06/18/13 12:13PM

MediaTakeOut claims that a nurse at Cedars Sinai Hospital has revealed the name of the Khrist Child: Kaidence Donda West. She already has tons of fake Twitter pages. Welcome to the world, Kaidence.

Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/15/13 02:08PM

The Daily Mail is reporting that Kim Kardashian checked into a birthing suite at Cedars-Sinai this morning in preparation for baby girl Kimye's big debut. Kris Jenner is expected to have endorsement contracts drawn up as soon as a name is chosen.

Steve Jobs Had to Die So Kanye West Could Live, Says Kanye West

Caity Weaver · 06/12/13 11:20AM

In case you didn't get the messages he left on your machine telling you about it, Kanye West has just given a textbook-crazy Kanye West interview (long; intermittently lucid; featuring a name drop of former Balenciaga creative director Nicolas Ghesquière) to the New York Times. You can read the gospel here.