
Man Seeks Woman for Companionship, Tent at Protest Supporting Accused Rapist

Max Read · 08/17/12 07:53AM

Hey ladies! Any of you out there looking to meet an aware, available guy? You're in luck! This young gentleman is looking to share some pavement space (and maybe a tent) at protest in favor of transparency activist Julian Assange. He'll be at the Ecuadorian embassy all weekend, protesting the British government's attempt to extradite Assange to Sweden on charges of sexual assault — and what better place to meet someone than a rally in support of an accused rapist?

Julian Assange to be Granted Asylum In Ecuador

Adrian Chen · 08/14/12 02:41PM

Julian Assange will be granted asylum in steamy Ecuador, reports the Guardian, citing an Ecuadorian official. Assange has been hiding out in the Ecuadorian embassy in London since June 19th, seeking asylum from president Rafael Correa in order to avoid an extradition order to Sweden where he faces a sex crimes investigation.

Julian Assange Loses Extradition Appeal, Will Probably Be Sent on Involuntary Swedish Vacation

Adrian Chen · 05/30/12 08:31AM

Real-life The Matrix extra Julian Assange lost his extradition appeal today, as Britain's highest court ruled that he can be extradited to Sweden to face allegations of rape and sexual assault. For the past year and a half Assange has been under house arrest fighting the European arrest warrant against him because it's "invalid" and also he really, really doesn't want to go to prison.

Here's the Dubstep-y Trailer for Julian Assange's New Talk Show

Adrian Chen · 04/13/12 04:54PM

In this new trailer, the screech of dubstep summons the lucrative 18-34 year-old male demographic to Wikileaks editor Julian Assange's upcoming talk show, The World of Tomorrow, which premiers on the Kremlin's favorite TV channel, Russia Today next Tuesday. The show will feature a theme song penned by M.I.A., who is basically the Bradley Manning of Super Bowl performers, and interviews with famous people conducted in the "secret" location Assange is currently holed up in fighting extradition to Sweden for rape accusations.

Rick Santorum's Wikileaks

John Cook · 03/06/12 03:04PM

Catholic scold Rick Santorum thinks Julian Assange is a "terrorist"—and ought to be prosecuted as such—for his role in releasing thousands of pages of classified documents on the internet. He ought to know: In 2006, Sen. Rick Santorum literally forced the U.S. government to dump thousands of pages of classified records concerning Iraq onto the web, including detailed plans for building a nuclear weapon, so that right-wing bloggers could search them for evidence of Saddam Hussein's phantom WMD.

Bill Keller Eagerly Reminds You That He Still Hates Julian Assange

Hamilton Nolan · 02/20/12 11:30AM

Former New York Times editor Bill Keller has spent the past year pursuing a weird personal crusade against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. He continues, weirdly, and to the detriment of his own reputation. Likewise, we shall continue our crusade against Bill Keller, until all of the world's readers have abandoned both of us, and we are merely talking to one another, like the cranks that we all are.

Today Is Simpsons Star Julian Assange's Last Chance to Dodge Sex Crimes Allegations

Adrian Chen · 02/01/12 11:56AM

Kremlin-backed talk show host Julian Assange is back in court in England today, in what will be the final, hopefully failed, attempt to appeal his extradition to Sweden to face rape and molestation allegations. Assange's legal troubles—and the fact that Wikileaks' submission system still isn't fixed after more than a year—haven't kept him from guest-starring in an upcoming episode of The Simpsons. This really validates our decision to stop watching the The Simpsons after Maude Flanders died.

Julian Assange Wants to be The Next Mark Zuckerberg

Adrian Chen · 12/14/11 05:05PM

Wikileaks unveiled a mysterious social network today on Twitter, called Friends of Wikileaks. It's the social network for people who think their personal information is too safe in the hands of Mark Zuckerberg.

Julian Assange Wins a Round at Court, Sort of

Lauri Apple · 12/05/11 08:10AM

Two British judges have decided that Wikileaking lothario Julian Assange can petition the British Supreme Court to consider his appeal against extradition to Sweden, where authorities want to ask him about two alleged sexual assault incidents. This means he won't have to cancel his holiday plans, which included adapting the contents of diplomatic cables into Christmas carols (probably).

Man, Wikileaks' New Leak Sucks

Adrian Chen · 12/01/11 11:25AM

Julian Assange just unveiled Wikileaks' latest release, and it's embarrassing: A bunch of brochures and manuals they downloaded from public websites, and some stuff that the Wall Street Journal published last month.