Wikileaks unveiled a mysterious social network today on Twitter, called Friends of Wikileaks. It's the social network for people who think their personal information is too safe in the hands of Mark Zuckerberg.

"Wikileaks mystery 'Facebook killer' project to beta soon," Wikileaks tweeted.

There's not much information on the site; trying to log in brings up a request for a "registration token" that we don't have. The information says the site is registered to Julian Assange, so we have to assume this is an official Wikileaks endeavor. All government employes, go register for an account, stat! It will probably end up being some sort of network for Wikileaks supporters, as Assange has in the past urged them to create local "Friends of Wikileaks" chapters.

So, Wikileaks now has a social network, but still no leak submission system. Maybe Assange has finally realized his true calling is tech entrepreneur. Next up: Wikileaks' Groupon clone!

[Image via Getty]