
Julian Assange: Another Legal Setback, Another Hairstyle

Lauri Apple · 11/02/11 08:25AM

As we predicted, international man of mystery and leaky things Julian Assange has lost his appeal against extradition to Sweden, where the authorities still want to ask him some questions about those two alleged sexual assault incidents. Assange won't have to leave his adoptive party pad in Norwich just yet: his lawyers can appeal to the British Supreme Court, and this will require hearings that will delay Assange's actual extradition. But he's definitely running out of legal options—not that he'd ever admit it.

Julian Assange Spent Wikileaks' Money Doing Nothing

Adrian Chen · 10/24/11 10:38AM

At a press conference this morning, Julian Assange—whom we imagine was wearing nothing but a barrel and suspenders—announced Wikileaks was so broke it might have to shut down in a matter of months. Even more than it already has shut down, that is.

Andy Rooney Will Complain Until the Bitter End

Hamilton Nolan · 09/26/11 02:51PM

In your magical Monday media column: Andy Rooney lives, Patch is a hard gig, Menupages sells for millions, Julian Assange lives the country life, and David Gergen lives getting naked with George Clooney.

Bye Bye, Julian

John Cook · 09/01/11 03:42PM

Many observers have understandably raised concerns for the safety of confidential informants whose identities are revealed in the full, unredacted copy of Wikileaks' State Department cables that was made public this week in a Keystone Kops farce. But the biggest victim of the latest disclosure is Julian Assange, who no longer has a reason to demand your attention.

Wikileaks Freaks Out at Newspaper Over Its Own Dumbassery

Max Read · 08/31/11 08:31PM

Wikileaks has always had a healthy sense of self-importance—one that seems, at least in part, well-deserved. But there's something uniquely hubristic about accusing a major newspaper (and former collaborator) of "gross negligence or malice" over the release of 251,000 unredacted top-secret cables—when the fault lies with the website itself.

Wikileaks Releases Mysterious Encrypted File

Adrian Chen · 08/31/11 12:53PM

Wikileaks just released a 557.5 megabyte file via Bittorrent. It's encrypted, and Wikileaks says "the decryption key will be released at the appropriate moment." Mysterious! We can't wait to see what's in this goody bag.

Teen Hacker Recluse Has a Girlfriend, Surprisingly

Adrian Chen · 08/31/11 10:36AM

In the public imagination, a hacker is a pale teenaged boy with Aspergers, huddled over a computer in his bedroom at his mom's house. This is all true of 19-year-old British hacking suspect Ryan Cleary! But he also has a girlfriend.

Julian Assange Accidentally Uploaded His Secret Files to the Internet

Adrian Chen · 08/29/11 12:46PM

People inadvertently put things on the internet they don't want revealed all the time. But you'd think Julian Assange would avoid such an amateur mistake. Not so: He accidentally uploaded all of his precious State Department cables, unredacted, to the internet.

Win a Date with Julian Assange

Adrian Chen · 06/15/11 04:57PM

Ever dream of slurping down fettuccine across the table from the most wanted man in the world? You can now bid on lunch with Julian Assange.

PBS Finds Tupac and Biggie Alive In New Zealand

Jeff Neumann · 05/30/11 08:00AM

It's a mystery that has perplexed the world since the late '90s: Where are Biggie and Tupac? Last night for a short time, it appeared that PBS had found out when a story appeared on its homepage, "Tupac still alive in New Zealand." Sadly, it was hackers from a group called LulzSec who got into PBS' system and posted this: