
Halle Berry Is Single, And Other Exciting News for Guys

Adrian Chen · 05/01/10 09:55AM

Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry split. Chelsea Handler has a sex tape. Johnny Weir and Evan Lysacek are at war. Lance Armstrong's unborn baby has a Twitter account. A topless bong pic causes controversy. Saturday's gossip roundup is making waves.

Be Good Johnny Weir: Sex on Ice

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 03/16/10 12:05PM

Though figure skating is most often described with tiresome combinations of adjectives like "delicate" and "graceful", Johnny Weir, always an iconoclast, is known to bring his own sexually-charged power into the rink.

Johnny Weir Gets Out-Diva'd By His Own Agent

Elaine Moran · 03/02/10 03:49PM

Anyone would think that the biggest drama queen on Be Good, Johnny Weir would be, well, Johnny Weir. However, this clip of his agent Tara having a meltdown suggests otherwise.

Also, does she remind anyone else of The Next Generation's Counselor Deanna Troi?

You Can't Keep a Good Johnny Weir Down

Elaine Moran · 02/23/10 05:25PM

Johnny Weir may not have fared as well in the Olympics we'd hoped, but he has proven that he deserves a gold medal every day for being truly outrageous. Here's his most fabulous glitterbomb moments from last night's episode.

Is the Most Interesting Event at the Olympics Already Over?

Richard Lawson · 02/19/10 10:54AM

Oh last night was a corker. The girls snowboarded and Julia Mancuso continued her silver rush, but mostly men twirled around on ice and we all clapped and swooned. Now that it's over, we're worried. Was it the best event?

Johnny Weir Skates Routine of His Life, Gets Screwed by Judges

Matt Cherette · 02/19/10 12:16AM

Oh, Johnny. Dear, dear Johnny Weir. You just skated the routine of your life at the Olympics. It was fabulous, as always. Flawless, too. And even though the judges screwed you, we won't forget how great you were. Video, inside.

Johnny Weir Seduces Olympic Viewers with Ferocious Short Program

Matt Cherette · 02/16/10 11:23PM

Heyyyyy! Guess who just skated a fabulous, flawless and fierce-as-hell short program at the Olympics? And did so in a deep V-neck/slim black pant outfit with sequins and pink tassels, to boot? Johnny Weir did, honey! Also: Poker Face dancing.