Though figure skating is most often described with tiresome combinations of adjectives like "delicate" and "graceful", Johnny Weir, always an iconoclast, is known to bring his own sexually-charged power into the rink.

The details of his sexuality may be an open secret, but he certainly doesn't shy away from sex, even if he's not getting any. Whether choosing the hottest, hamstring-stretchingest Pilates program for training:

or hump-attacking assistants to snuffle sweet nothings in their ear:

Weir infuses every aspect of his skating life with the eroticism that pervades his performances. Even his short program performed at the Nagano Grand Prix was charged with a sense of seduction. Decked in a skimpy black and pink take on skating's sequined sartorial standards, Weir sashay-shanted on the ice with sass, bringing sexy back (was it ever there to begin with?) to the international figure skating community.

Ultimately, Weir is a top athlete, with little time to devote to relationships or a sex life. Tiger Woods may have his rainbow ho-alition, basketball players may have a bevy of bitches at their beck and call, but skaters are in training almost non-stop during the competition season. Any outside distractions can ruin hours of practice. Despite his debauchery deprivation, Weir found satisfaction and physical release at the mechanical hands of an orgasm-inducing foot massager. Given how libidinous Johnny seems already, it may be a good thing that the cameras left him on his own to moan and groan til his eventual passionate explosion.