
Be Good Johnny Weir: Glitter and Be Fey, But Not Gay

Richard Lawson · 01/19/10 12:09PM

Be Good Johnny Weir, a peculiarly thoughtful new documentary series about be-spangled Olympic figure skater Johnny Weir, premiered on the Sundance Channel last night and we gave it a watch. And you know what? The kid's all right.

Soon, Sarah Palin Will Launch a Celebrity Clothing Line

Richard Lawson · 04/14/09 09:30AM

A comedy gets a major cast, an HBO movie gets majorly political. A skater gets a reality show, as do many, many fashion people. Because they're so interesting! Everyone watches TV on the internet now, especially Lost.

Funny Video Manages to Trivialize Figure Skating

Richard Lawson · 04/01/08 03:14PM

Last night at Central Park's Wollman skating rink, fancy stars like That Lady from a Soap Opera, The Guy from SUV Who Always Gets Too Close to the Case, and the Countess de Lesseps from Real Housewives of New York City all came out for "Skating With the Stars - Under the Stars," an event that Donald Trump had something to do with. Tim Murphy was "on the scene" for New York magazine, deadpanning questions to skating celebrities Evan Lysacek, who knocks down the gay rumors by gabbing about his Heatherette costumery, and Johnny Weir, who once again ably acknowledges and dodges a gay baiting question. Murphy also talked to the Countess, who reminds us that she is, in fact, a Countess. And finally he nabbed the Donald, who mumbles something about having a lease on the rink then runs away. (Making it possible to call Donald Trump "a guy who rents a skating rink downtown.") Watch the funny video here, and if, you want more Johnny Weir (and who doesn't??), after the jump you'll find the most dramatically hilarious end to a skating routine ever.

That Dude Geigh?

Richard Lawson · 03/20/08 02:26PM

Fishbowl thinks that the New York Times is "skating around" the obvious sexuality issue when writing about Johnny Weir, the costume-designing, swan-emulating figure skater (sparkle explosion, just now), in its piece about his rivalry with fellow skater Evan Lysacek (also gay, just not so much so). The bush is beaten around a little bit, yes, with winking mentions of his extensive fur coat collection, "princessy" demeanor, and elaborate ideal of himself as an artist versus a competitor. But the piece does seem to arrive at a more explicit place toward the end, with the word "gay" actually mentioned (twice!) before Weir's wonderful and valid choice to keep mum about the whole thing is reiterated.

Watch The Bitchiest Figure Skating Fight Ever

Ryan Tate · 01/28/08 07:26PM

Figure skater Evan Lysacek has already edged out rival Johnny Weir for the men's U.S. Figure Skating Championships, and Weir has already followed up with an interview in which he said, "I respect Evan as an athlete, but as a person I don’t really like him... There’s nothing special about him to me. We would never be friends." But nothing in the catty rivalry quite matches the quietly seething, passive-aggressive escalation of bitchdom in the following face-off interview, aired just before the championship match and replete with backhanded compliments, subtle digs and averted eyes. Video and a brief passive-agressiveness tour after the jump.

Remainders: Steve Jobs Will Devour This Town

Jessica · 07/12/06 06:20PM

Another Apple Store in Manhattan? Are you fucking kidding us? [Curbed]
• The Constitution does not allow Times photographers to take pictures of bridges. It's, like, written in a secret amendment or something. [The Daily Politics]
WWD, left high and dry by the departure of media reporter Jeff Bercovici and the impending escape of Sara James, hires Irin Carmon, who graduated from Harvard two days ago and has since been freelancing all over the damn place. [The Media Mob]
• On behalf of America, Adam Carolla hangs up on Ann Coulter. [Chortler]
• A Spin without Andy Pemberton means a Spin without a sex columnist. Say goodbye to Joanna Angel. [FishbowlNY]
• The Conde Nast cafeteria comes to the newly absorbed Fairchild, bringing with it a spaceship atmosphere and Balthazar croissants. [NYO]
• Come this fall, figure skater Johnny Weir shake his thing on the Bryant Park runway for Heatherette. You go, girl. [NewNowNext]

Gossip Roundup: Colin Farrell Hides His Sex Tape

Jessica · 04/18/06 10:45AM

• Colin Farrell and former Playmate Nicole Narain reach an "amicable settlement" regarding their sex tape, which Narain had been trying to sell. We kind of hate him for locking away the footage after we'd already seen the heat he was packing. Cocktease. [R&M]
• Stephen Baldwin is selling his Rockland County manse reportedly because he owes "a crapload" to the IRS. Stars — they really are just like us! [Page Six]
• How DARE the American Figure Skating Association sideline our beloved Johnny Weir simply because he's a flaming little bonfire of fun. [Gatecrasher (2nd item)]
• Looks like Tom Cruise has taken to rigging public opinion polls, which would be more effective if said polls weren't on [Page Six]
• Meanwhile, Cruise won't be tolerating any dyslexia talk from Swedish journalists. [Scoop]
• Jamie Foxx would like to think he's R&B's "savior." Please keep your snickering to a dull roar. [Guardian UK]