
Jon Stewart, on DADT: Our Country Is Run By Assholes

Matt Cherette · 09/22/10 10:28PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart opened with a segment about yesterday's Senate failure to bring to the floor a vote that would have repealed the archaic, discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. Stewart asked: are we run by assholes? Indeed! Video inside.

John McCain Freaks Out at Reporters Over DADT Questions

Matt Cherette · 09/21/10 11:42PM

Apparently, John McCain—who helped block a vote to repeal DADT today—doesn't like explaining himself. When The Advocate's Kerry Eleveld and Metro Weekly's Chris Geidner asked McCain questions about the policy this afternoon, he got quite testy. Video inside.

Meghan McCain Finally Gives Her Opinion of Sarah Palin

Jim Newell · 08/31/10 10:52AM

Meghan McCain's book about her father's 2008 presidential campaign, Dirty Sexy Politics, comes out today. Have you finished it yet? If not, here's a primer based on her Good Morning America appearance today: She has mixed feelings about Sarah Palin!

John McCain: One of the Senate's Seven 'Twitter Geniuses'

Adrian Chen · 08/19/10 09:51PM

Quick: What's the best way for a politician to broadcast short, nearly-incomprehensible missives to the world? No, it's not by hacking into Wolf Blitzer's teleprompter before The Situation Room. Twitter! Here are the seven scientifically-determined "Twitter geniuses" of the Senate.