
John McCain Blames Wildfires on Madcap Torch-Wielding Illegals

Jim Newell · 06/20/11 11:22AM

Arizona has been having some troubles again, this time with massive wildfires torching the already barren hellscape. You know why? Because it's a desert. All you need is, say, a golf club nicking a rock, or some other painfully simple action, and boom: death flames everywhere. Or you can just blame the illegal immigrants in their pyromanic fly-by-night encampments, as Sen. John McCain has.

McCain Denounces Torture on Senate Floor

Jim Newell · 05/12/11 11:55AM

Sen. John McCain took to the Senate floor Thursday to condemn waterboarding and other torture techniques, saying that the debate over these techniques is ultimately "about morality. What is at stake here it the very idea of America."

John McCain Is Getting Soft

Jim Newell · 04/25/11 12:47PM

War monster John McCain, fresh off of his triumphant jaunt to Libya, made a shocking confession on this morning's Today show: He is not ready to drop more American freedom bombs, forever and without any actual plan, in another Middle Eastern country where some citizens have been protesting. Is the old nutter on his meds or something? What ever happened to the angry warrior we'd all come to know and not love? This is a classic gaffe.

John McCain Is in Libya for Some Stupid Reason

Jeff Neumann · 04/22/11 04:15AM

Crazy old coot John McCain landed in the rebel-held eastern Libyan city of Benghazi today. What's the old warmonger doing there? We imagine he's there to size 'em up because, you know, McCain's understanding of Libya's complex system of tribal loyalties probably goes all the way back to Reagan's bombing campaign there in the '80s, and maybe even Back to the Future. He also knows a thing or two about prosecuting a successful war.

Awkward Celebrity Seat Mates at NBA Games: An Appreciation

Maureen O'Connor · 02/21/11 02:53PM

Basketball games are among the best places for spotting celebrities in the wild. Since the famous folk frequent court side seats, the view is often unobstructed; the lighting is good; cameras are welcome; and, due to the magic of assigned seating, they often end up interacting with unexpected members of their flock. Case in point: At last night's NBA All-Stars game, Justin Bieber sat next to Rihanna.

John McCain Wants To Be Loved Again

Jim Newell · 02/02/11 03:38PM

John McCain, who loves switching personalities, is trying to reclaim his bipartisan Maverick hero image in the media again, now that he's secured another Senate term. And he'll get it. He always does! It's just too easy for him.

Jon Stewart Chronicles the Evolution of John McCain's Angry Insanity

Matt Cherette · 01/05/11 11:27PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart opened with a segment about the 108th Congress. Specifically, Stewart lambasted curmudgeonly bigot John McCain for his increasingly angry, insane rhetoric. Then, Stewart fought with a puppet version of McCain. The entertaining bit, inside.

John McCain's Sad, Permanent Crusade Against Gays in the Military

Jim Newell · 12/02/10 12:27PM

A proposed repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell" enjoys the support of a national majority. The Pentagon has thoroughly studied and endorsed it. It wouldn't bother soldiers. DADT has been ruled unconstitutional, anyway. But John McCain needs more.

Jon Stewart's Harshest John McCain Critique Yet

Matt Cherette · 11/15/10 11:40PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart spent a few minutes discussing, in detail, just how ridiculous and archaic—not to mention ever-evolving—John McCain's stance on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is, marking Stewart's harshest critique yet of McCain's increasingly indefensible views. Watch inside.

Bush: 'I'd Have Endorsed Obama If They'd Asked Me'

Max Read · 11/10/10 02:17AM

During the 2008 campaign, President George W. Bush told a group of visiting Brits that he "probably" wouldn't vote for McCain, according to Financial Times writer Alex Barker. That's not all: He also said he would've endorsed Obama if asked.