American idiot Meghan McCain has writed another column for the Daily Beast, which routinely passes along her Blackberried thoughts unedited, this time featuring a nontraditional spelling for the name of her father's campaign manager. Would you edit John Ashbery?

Today, McCain has got herself all worked up about the forthcoming HBO miniseries adaptation of John Heilemann and Mark Halperin's Game Change, a loathsome nonfiction account of the 2008 presidential campaign written from the perspective of two men desperate for attention from Matt Drudge. It makes her mad! So mad that in the first paragraph, she managed to misspell failed McCain campaign chief Steve Schmidt's name ("[Halperin and Heilemann] asked everyone from my Rick Davis and Steve Schmitt for an interview") and refer to campaign "inbeds" when she meant to say "embeds." UPDATE: Of course, the editors at the Daily Beast, ever-vigilant, have fixed the "embed" error. It now reads, "edmbed." They hate her.

But we all make mistakes, right? Let's get to the substance of McCain's arguments—no, nevermind, let's just marvel at her magisterial command of her native tongue. When Halperin first approached her, McCain writes, he was "a man I had only heard of in name." She had yet to hear of him in face, or in voice, apparently. She thinks Game Change—which came out in January 2010—was a rehash of made-up stories, but also says, "I read parts of Game Change, but couldn't get through the whole book." Reading whole books is a lot of work. She's angry that Heilemann and Halperin approached so many campaign staffers for interviews so soon after her father's humiliating defeat—"nice timing sir"—and angry that some, like Mark Salter, consented to interviews ("I still have no idea what he was thinking"). And she's also angry that they are "capitalizing on things that more than likely never happened." Lessons for reporters: If you try to find things out, you're a dick. If you get things wrong because no one would talk to you, you are also a dick. Just stop it, OK?

McCain's chief issue, though, is with the anonymous sources who keep manifesting things. Stop with the manifesting, everybody! "It is in everyone's best interest to exaggerate and manifest things that didn't happen. The problem is, we do exist." Indeed. That is a serious problem.

[Photo via Getty Images]