
Prison Inmates Break Out, Get Wasted, Then Sneak Back In

Jay Hathaway · 07/29/14 12:46PM

A group of four prisoners at a work release center in Australia's Berrimah jail are suspected of repeatedly sneaking out to get drunk and high, then breaking back in before correctional officers noticed.

U.S. Vet Jailed for Taking Guns to Mexico Says He Just Missed His Exit

Adam Weinstein · 05/06/14 04:45PM

A former combat Marine says he shouldn't be languishing in a Tijuana jail for crossing the Mexican border with three guns, because it was all a mistake: He was heading for a night out with his buddies in California, missed the last highway exit, and ended up Mexico-bound.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/20/13 03:07PM

A new ACLU report estimates that more than 17,000 juveniles in America have been held in solitary confinement, and concludes, unequivocally, "Solitary confinement and isolation are not safe for children."

Hamilton Nolan · 09/30/13 01:43PM

Housing a single inmate in a New York City jail for one year costs more than four years of tuition at Harvard University.

Pussy Riot Member Hunger Striking Over Brutal Prison Conditions

Cord Jefferson · 09/23/13 01:32PM

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, one of the two Pussy Riot members still in a Russian prison for the crime of "hooliganism motivated by religious hatred," is on hunger strike starting today in order to protest her living conditions. In a lengthy open letter to the Guardian explaining her strike, Tolokonnikova claims that the first year in her two-year sentence has been hellish, beginning with the head administrator of her penal colony telling her upon arrival: "You should know that when it comes to politics, I am a Stalinist."

Hamilton Nolan · 08/23/13 08:24AM

New York City spent $167,000 on each one of its more than 12,000 jail inmates last year. Too bad there is no better use for that money in the whole wide world.