
Hamilton Nolan · 07/17/13 12:15PM

Mentally ill people make up 17% of the jail population in Los Angeles. "If you're trying to figure out what makes for a desirable therapeutic environment...'this ain't it.'"

Dolce and Gabbana Sentenced to Sexy Italian Jail

Caity Weaver · 06/19/13 01:46PM

Luxury fashion designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, two men who have almost certainly personally adjusted the breasts of many of your favorite celebrities, were each issued a jail sentence of one year and eight months on Wednesday in Italy, for tax evasion.

The Story of One Prison Rape, In an Inmate's Own Words

Hamilton Nolan · 05/30/13 12:40PM

Today, the ACLU announced that it is filing a federal lawsuit on behalf of prisoners at the East Mississippi Correctional Facility, a private prison in Meridian, Mississippi. The suit alleges that EMCF is "hyper-violent, grotesquely filthy and dangerous." One example of the jail's dangers: this handwritten letter from an inmate describing his own rape.

Lindsay Lohan's Mug Shots, Ranked from 'Ooh, Child...' to 'Damn, Girl!'

Caity Weaver · 03/20/13 03:30PM

At age 26, Lindsay Lohan has been taken into police custody a grand total of six times. Assuming this pattern holds for the rest of her life (and that she lives as long as the average American woman), she will have been admitted to jail roughly 19 times by the time she dies at age 81 (in jail).

What It Is Like to Spend 25 Years in Solitary Confinement

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/13 01:21PM

In February of 1987, deputies were transporting inmate William R. Blake to court in Dewitt, New York, to face drug and robbery charges. Blake grabbed a deputy's gun and shot two officers, killing one. He was apprehended immediately. For the past 25 years, Blake has been in solitary confinement in a prison in upstate New York. He will not leave prison alive.

We're Locking Up Fewer Black People and More White People

Hamilton Nolan · 02/28/13 02:20PM

The USA incarcerates a higher percentage of its citizen than any other nation on earth. (We're #1!) Needless to say, we've accomplished that feat largely on the backs of minorities, particularly black people, who are incarcerated at more than six times the rate of white people. But, as unthinkable as it may have been not long ago, some elements of this trend are actually turning around for the better.

Has America Had Enough of Mass Incarceration?

Hamilton Nolan · 02/11/13 10:20AM

More than two decades of The War on Drugs has proven definitively that locking people in jail is a terrible way to solve the drug problem. It has given us the world's highest incarceration rate—an incarceration problem that is worse than the problems that the mass incarceration was supposed to solve. Now, perhaps, the pendulum has begun to swing back towards sanity.

'Government Doesn't Create Jobs,' Except by Imprisoning Its Citizens

Hamilton Nolan · 10/23/12 12:10PM

To close a prison is a good thing, assuming that the prison is being closed for lack of prisoners to fill it, because prison is a horrific (if sometimes necessary) institution, and the intelligent minimization of the number of our fellow citizens who have to be locked in prison is an intrinsic good. So why are people so opposed to closing down a prison in their own community?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/28/12 12:25PM

Should it be legal to pay your friend to do your jail sentence for you? Sure, worked for this guy.

California's Unconscionable System of Solitary Confinement

Hamilton Nolan · 09/27/12 10:53AM

There is a longstanding and serious debate over whether solitary confinement is, in and of itself, torture. Countless prisoners who've experienced it have said that isolation is worse than any form of physical torture. A new Amnesty report on isolation in California's prisons should make any rational person queasy about what we're doing to society's most forgotten people.

North Carolina Man Arrested for Refusing to Leave Jail

Taylor Berman · 07/26/12 11:23PM

Rodney Dwayne Valentine was released on Saturday morning from Rockingham County jail after spending over two months locked up on charges of injury to personal property. Upon release, Valentine asked for a lift to a nearby motel. Everyone in the sheriff's office was like, "No way," so Valentine refused to leave and just sat there, apparently. After a few hours, officers suggested that Valentine take a cab. He still refused to leave.

Letters From Death Row: Brett Hartmann on Justice

Hamilton Nolan · 06/19/12 09:04AM

Earlier this year, I sent letters to every American death row inmate scheduled to be executed in the near future, asking about their life and their thoughts on various issues. Today, we have a second letter from condemned Ohio inmate Brett Hartmann, who is scheduled to be executed on November 13.

Letters From Death Row: Abdul Awkal, Who Was Supposed to Die Last Week

Hamilton Nolan · 06/11/12 12:50PM

Earlier this year, I wrote to every American death row inmate scheduled for execution in the near future. I asked them about their personal history, their lives in prison, and their thoughts on America and its justice system. Today we hear from Abdul Awkal—a man who was scheduled to be executed by the state of Ohio last week, before receiving a last-minute reprieve.

Letters From Death Row: Brett Hartmann, Ohio Inmate 357-869

Hamilton Nolan · 05/25/12 12:04PM

A few weeks ago, I sent letters to every American death row inmate scheduled for execution this year. I asked them about their own survival prospects, their day-to-day lives, and their thoughts on America, its media, and its justice system. Today, a death row inmate replies.