Hard to believe this plan went awry: In an misguided attempt to smuggle drugs inside, a Washington man fired an arrow wrapped with a bag of weed and an unidentified substance at the second floor screen of the Whatcom County jail's recreation area on Tuesday morning. The man, of course, missed his target, and the arrow landed on the prison's roof, where it was quickly discovered.

After receiving a tip from a witness, Whatcom County Sheriff's deputies arrived at David Wayne Jordan's home, where they found the bow used to launch the contraband still inside his truck.

When confronted by deputies, Jordan admitted shooting the arrow but claimed he'd been hunting a squirrel. "He had no explanation as to why squirrel hunting requires attaching marijuana to an arrow," Whatcom County Sheriff Bil Elfo told the Bellingham Herald, adding that Jordan would have had to have fired the arrow at a “perfect angle” to get it inside the prison's screen.

Deputies arrested Jordan, who had just been released from the same prison last Friday. Tuesday evening, officials at the jail rebooked Jordan on charges of introducing contraband to a corrections facility in the third degree, resisting arrest and obstructing law enforcement.

[via Daily Intelligencer]