
NYC Spends Millions Jailing the Same Homeless and Mentally Ill People Over and Over

Andy Cush · 09/18/15 11:55AM

For New York City’s most frequently jailed people, the cycle probably goes something like this: You’re homeless, or mentally ill, or addicted to drugs. Maybe all three. Those three factors are so tightly wound together that it’s difficult to tell the causes from the effects. You get picked up for sleeping on the street, and police find a crack rock in your pocket, so you go to jail. A little while later, you get out, and a little while after that, you get picked up again. Back to jail it is.

The American Police State Hates Black and Poor People

Andy Cush · 08/07/15 11:39AM

The Wall Street Journal today states that roughly 30 percent of Americans have a criminal record of some sort. We’ve been over this before, but let’s take this opportunity to discuss exactly why the figure is so horrible. No matter how many times you’ve heard it, 30 percent of 318 million people may feel like an abstract concept, difficult to wrap your head around. The havoc wreaked upon those tens of millions of lives, however, couldn’t be more concrete.

Bill Bratton Thinks More New Yorkers Should Be in Jail

Andy Cush · 08/05/15 02:48PM

NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton wants to put you in jail and make sure you stay there. Well, only if you’re a bad guy. Good guys—you’re OK. No worries. Bad guys—get your naughty butts to the slammer.

For Inmates in Solitary, "It's Like Time Broke" 

Hamilton Nolan · 08/04/15 12:34PM

It has become increasingly accepted to regard long-term solitary confinement of prisoners as torture. A new report from a psychologist who interviewed prisoners in long-term isolation adds to the bracing literature about how our prison system routinely destroys humans.

Sheriff: Sandra Bland Told Guards She Had a History of Suicidal Behavior

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/23/15 07:43AM

A Texas sheriff says Sandra Bland—the 28-year-old black woman found dead in her jail cell last week—admitted to her jailers that she had tried to commit suicide the previous year. Still, her guards say they still declined to put her on a suicide watch because she “didn’t seem depressed.”

Hamilton Nolan · 07/13/15 03:51PM

“The recent handcuffing of an inmate without food for 32 hours is part of a troubling pattern of similar mistreatment in the Los Angeles County jails since [last year]... Inspector General Max Huntsman cited three additional incidents in which inmates were allegedly tethered to objects for prolonged periods.”

Local Jails Are Insatiable Monsters

Hamilton Nolan · 02/11/15 12:12PM

It has become increasingly clear to mainstream America that our nation's decades-long experiment with mass incarceration is fundamentally a bad idea. And though state prisons loom large in the public mind, it's actually local jails where most of the (bad) action happens.

New York's Law Enforcement Unions Are Filled With Pathetic Crybabies

Andy Cush · 12/19/14 03:35PM

Patrick Lynch, chairman of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association and head spokesbaby for the inconsolable id of the NYPD, gave a private speech to his union last week. Bill de Blasio "is not running the city of New York," he said in response to a series of perceived slights from City Hall. "He thinks he's running a fucking revolution." The raging toddlers in attendance howled and smacked their tiny palms together in approval.

Teresa Giudice's Perfect Sad Christmas Treat to Make for Your Fambly

Allie Jones · 12/16/14 05:32PM

On January 5, 2015, Teresa Giudice will go to jail for bankruptcy, mail, and wire fraud. But before she suits up, she's making the saddest imaginable Christmas treat for her fambly—and you can, too! Teresa reveals her "Pretty Pizzelle Snacks" recipe in the currently private, link-only video above, which was sent to us by a tipster.

Mississippi Jails People For Months With No Charges

Hamilton Nolan · 09/25/14 10:40AM

Even in 2014, it is still possible to come across facts about the American justice system that stagger even the most cynical of minds. For example: do you know how long people are sitting in jail in Mississippi without being charged with a crime?