On January 5, 2015, Teresa Giudice will go to jail for bankruptcy, mail, and wire fraud. But before she suits up, she's making the saddest imaginable Christmas treat for her fambly—and you can, too! Teresa reveals her "Pretty Pizzelle Snacks" recipe in the currently private, link-only video above, which was sent to us by a tipster.

First, Tree gives us the proper pronunciation of her creation: prittee peetelly ice crean sangwiches. Next, she (sort of) explains what pizzelle cookies are:

You can get them at supermarkets, or you could even make them homemade. They sell a machine that makes these shapes.

Then she scoops melty ice cream onto pizzelles that are clearly not strong enough to hold the weight. Finally: sprinkles.

"My daughters love this, and I even use it to bribe them with it," Teresa notes.

Thanks to our tipster, we have behind the scenes photos of the shoot where Teresa looks...like she's going to jail in less than a month.

At the end of the video, Tree expounds on the value of her pizzelle treats. "Sweets make you happy," she says. "This is some happy food, it makes you feel good." I hope so.