A New York man who says he was rendered impotent after jailers refused to treat his six-day, prescription drug-induced erection settled with the city for $750,000 on Monday, DNAinfo reports.

According to 51-year-old Rodney Cotton, he was treated “worse than a dog” during his painful ordeal, which began at the Manhattan Detention Complex on July 4, 2011 as a horrific side effect of anti-depression medication. From the NY Post:

Cotton had asked to be taken to a jail clinic, but a guard at the facility, known as The Tombs, told him he’d have to wait until after the holiday weekend.

Desperate, Cotton faked chest pains to get a doctor to see him, only to be given ice packs and Tylenol.

Days later, he was finally taken to Bellevue, and underwent surgery to relieve the swelling. The doctors said the stitches would dissolve on their own. They didn’t, he claims.

The stitches had become embedded in the skin, and no anesthetic was used when they were being removed, Cotton said in his Manhattan Supreme Court suit.

Claiming to have suffered permanent damage to his penis, Cotton says the settlement is still not equal to what he has lost due to sexual dysfunction.

“If I had the choice between the reward and having my manhood restored, I’d have my manhood restored in a heartbeat,” Cotton told the NY Daily News on Monday. “It’s embarrassing. We’re here to create. I can’t perform my duties as a man.”

Asked for comment, a city spokesperson only confirmed that a settlement had been reached, telling the paper, “Settling the case was in the best interest of the city.”

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