
Which Candidate's Campaign Spends the Most Money on Pizza: An Investigation

Gabrielle Bluestone · 02/02/16 01:26PM

There is nothing more American than pizza, a dish we stole from another culture, claimed as our own, and have argued about ever since. It’s deeply American in other ways, too; fatty, mostly cheap, and occasionally exceptional. So of course, it’s a clear favorite when it comes time for our presidential candidates to feed their hungry, freedom-loving staffers.

Justice Department to Launch Civil Rights Investigation of Ferguson PD

Aleksander Chan · 09/04/14 07:13AM

Attorney General Eric Holder is expected to launch a broad civil rights investigation into the Ferguson, Mo. police department this week, the Washington Post reports. The probe is expected to determine "whether the department employed policies and practices that resulted in a pattern of civil rights violations," and stems from the killing of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown by white Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.

Conservative Money Front Is Behind Princeton's "White Privilege" Guy

Adam Weinstein · 05/05/14 02:20PM

In all the furor over Tal Fortgang—the privileged white Princeton freshman who wrote so passionately about how he's not a privileged white guy—no one, not even the New York Times, noted that his post was made possible by a conservative group that bankrolls and grooms college kids for right-wing leadership.

40 Sick Vets Died While Languishing on a "Secret" V.A. Waiting List

Adam Weinstein · 04/24/14 11:24AM

Administrators at the Department of Veterans Affairs' hospital in Phoenix used an off-the-books paper system to hide a backlog of thousands of sick veterans who needed health care, and at least 40 vets died while waiting for the facility to take them.

Who Has More Hair, Prince George or Prince William? An Investigation

Caity Weaver · 04/10/14 08:00AM

Prince William and his son Prince George have many things in common: a patriotic duty to the nation of their birth; an intimate working knowledge of Kate Middleton's breasts; a high risk of hemophilia. Between them, they also have enough hair to cover the head of one human male.

Meet the Weird Christian Content Mill Behind Newsweek's New Owners

Adam Weinstein · 04/01/14 10:56AM

Last year, when it was announced that International Business Times had bought the shrinking Newsweek brand, some media organizations started asking questions about IBT's connection to a shady Korean-born Christian minister. Now we have some new, weird info on that connection.

​Your Favorite Animal Planet Show Is Fake and Super-Abusive to Animals

Adam Weinstein · 01/22/14 03:26PM

Call of the Wildman, Animal Planet's blockbuster chronicle of a wildlife trapper, is one helluva romp. It's also a drama-staging, zebra-drugging, wallaby-kidnapping, raccoon- and bat-killing crock of shit, according to a disturbing new in-depth investigation by Mother Jones.

Here Is Your Bible of Privatization Horror Stories

Adam Weinstein · 12/04/13 02:39PM

Government sucks. Why doesn't it run more like business? Why don't we let business run more of the government? The good news is: We already do. The bad news is: Business sucks worse.

Michele Bachmann Faces Campaign Ethics Investigation as Former Staffers Lash Out

Taylor Berman · 03/25/13 09:22PM

The Daily Beast broke a fairly damning story Monday morning about Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann. The report reveals that federal investigators working on behalf of the Office of Congressional Ethics are investigating the congresswoman's campaign about potential intentional finance violations. According to former Bachmann staffers questioned by the investigators, the allegations include improper fund transfers and illegal payments made during Bachmann's failed 2012 presidential campaign. One such allegation is that Iowa state Senator Kent Sorenson, her Iowa campaign manager, received under the table payment for his support. Her lawyers, of course, are denying any wrongdoing, at least on Bachmann's part.

Penn State Report Summary: Everyone Pretending They Didn't Know Actually Knew

Caity Weaver · 07/12/12 09:36AM

If you don't have time to review the full 267-page internal investigation of the Penn State scandal, here's the gist: Everyone knew. Former Penn State head football coach Joe Paterno knew. Former Penn State University president Graham Spanier knew. Former Penn State University vice president Gary Schultz knew. Penn State Athletic Director (currently on leave) Tim Curley knew. Everyone knew. As far back as 1998, when they learned of a criminal investigation of Sandusky related to an instance of suspected sexual misconduct with a boy in a PSU football locker room shower.