
Do Not Pay For Any Internships (Especially Not in DC)

Hamilton Nolan · 08/30/10 10:20AM

First, there were paid internships. Those were okay. Then, there were unpaid internships. Those were just slightly better than nothing. Now, there are internships you pay for, which won't even get you a high-paying job. Those are a scam.

Notre Dame Porn Professor Can't Leave Well Enough Alone (Updated)

Hamilton Nolan · 08/27/10 10:13AM

Notre Dame dismissed engineering professor Oliver Collins (pictured) last June. So Collins filed a lawsuit against the school for breach of contract. So the school was like, "For one thing, all those porn photos you took with our cameras."

The Top Ten Universities for Student Debt

Hamilton Nolan · 08/18/10 12:38PM

"For-profit" colleges have come under fire for saddling students with big debts in exchange for dim job prospects. But what about "real" colleges? They're pushing huge debts on students, too. We crunched the numbers to find the worst (NYU).

Drunks, Nerdlingers Find Correct Colleges

Hamilton Nolan · 08/02/10 04:33PM

The Princeton Review's newest college rankings declare that the University of Georgia is the nation's top party school, while Brigham Young University is the "most sober" school. Interestingly, both suck big time. [Bloomberg. Pic via]

Law Degrees Grow More Worthless Every Day

Hamilton Nolan · 07/20/10 10:17AM

Did you do the stupid thing that a lot of people have done recently and go to law school, just because you're aimless and you figured it would be a productive use of time "in the long run?" Sucker.

Kids These Days Sure Are Disappointing

Hamilton Nolan · 07/06/10 10:28AM

These modern students: Can they do anything right? Whether falling behind their grade school classmates, graduating from high school without being able to count out change, or cheating on all their college tests, they're turning out to be major disappointments.

Entire Education System Dedicated to Making School Easier

Hamilton Nolan · 06/22/10 11:25AM

Education: what is it for? Education exists to get you a job, and to give educators a job. Money is the root of education. So grade inflation, rich-kid perks, and dumbing down of grad schools are justified. For money!

Nutty Professor, or Pianist Envy Gone Wild?

Hamilton Nolan · 06/01/10 10:09AM

University of Miami music professor Doug Bickel (pictured) was either, A) forced out because he's a sexual-harassing, weed-smoking maniac, or B) resigned after pressure from a jealous homophobic fellow pianist. Doug Bickel is either A) awesome or B) fucked up.

Will Three-Year College Schedules Kill Fun?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/12/10 11:27AM

College was once regarded as a place where no-good kids could smoke weed for four years and come out technically qualified for a high-paying career. Now, its regarded as a place you can't afford. But is three-year college worth it?