
Secret College Monk Orgy Draws Mild Rebuke

Hamilton Nolan · 12/14/10 10:46AM

A professor at Aalborg University has been reprimanded after being taped participating in an orgy in which "four men wearing monk robes" had sex with a woman in one of the university's machine rooms. The orgy itself wasn't the problem.

Duke President Begs Duke Students to Stop Embarrassing Themselves

Adrian Chen · 11/19/10 11:54AM

Duke has an image problem: The school's most notable student is a co-ed who sent out a Powerpoint about every dude she banged. Now, Duke's president wants to clean up the school's image by making college students stop being idiots.

Black Male Students Doing Worse Than Bad

Hamilton Nolan · 11/09/10 12:10PM

A new report about our glorious post-racial American education system reveals that black males are doing absolutely horribly by nearly every measure. Oh, you knew that already? No, we mean worse than was already thought. Which is bad.

Harvard Now a Culinary School

Hamilton Nolan · 11/02/10 04:20PM

The single most popular class at Harvard this fall: "Science and Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter Science." Basically a cooking class! I know, right? I would have guessed "How to Get Laid for Dorks," LOL. [Boston Globe]

College Kids Go Demonstrate at Anti-Gay Preacher's Church

Hamilton Nolan · 11/01/10 02:01PM

Let us now give praise to some college kids who did something clever and upstanding. Their school was plagued by a shouting, anti-gay preacher. The school couldn't legally kick him out. Solution? Students took their own message to his church.

Average Private College Tuition: $27,293

Hamilton Nolan · 10/28/10 12:13PM

When we went to college, tuition was a Buffalo nickel and a meal could be had for an eightpence. Sadly, a new survey says that prices are up—way up. Hope you kids like Home State U!

Only Three Stereotypes Left in College

Hamilton Nolan · 10/20/10 10:06AM

A close study of media reports and peer-reviewed studies reveals that there are only three kinds of college students left in America: the snobs; the dropouts; and the cheaters. These are their stories.

It's About Time to Give Up on 'Schools'

Hamilton Nolan · 09/16/10 12:39PM

Is it time to give up on the fantasy of educating children in schools? We must regretfully report: yes, it is time. The teachers are getting violent, moonlighting as criminals, and leaving the kids to play video games in class.