
High School Teacher's Classroom Meltdown Caught on Video

Jeff Neumann · 10/09/10 03:55PM

Teaching high school math for 17 years finally caught up with Donald Wood. Yesterday, the Tennessee teacher lost his mind during class and started throwing chairs and desks across the room. Wood was cuffed and removed from school grounds.

High Schools Making Everyone Valedictorians Now

Adrian Chen · 06/27/10 03:30PM

The Times today explores the trend of high schools naming more than one person—as many as ten!—their Valedictorian. Some people are worried that this might dilute the honor of being named high school valedictorian, which is akin to worrying that water might dilute the bottle of urine someone is forcing you to drink.

Barack Obama: Great Orator or Boring Old Man?

Jeff Neumann · 06/08/10 03:47AM

The President, speaking at Kalamazoo Central High's graduation yesterday, tried for a JFK "ask not" speech about civic duty and being a good American and all that. It was pretty good. But one kid could barely stay awake. Video!

Sarah Palin Challenges Anyone Not in Arizona to a Fight

Hamilton Nolan · 05/13/10 10:12AM

Sarah Palin, America's squeakiest wheel, took a bold public stand against tolerance yesterday, berating a group of high school girls for refusing to patronize the Great White State of Arizona. Sarah Palin vows to fight anyone who disagrees with racism.

Will Prom Ever Be Fun Again?

Richard Lawson · 04/13/10 01:12PM

Disgusting lesbians aren't the only things ruining prom these days. Stupid school administrators and awful parents are also doing the rite of passage a great disservice. The latest trend is scheduling the dances on school nights, to curb after-partying.