Comments of the Day: High School Weirdos

Today we looked at quaint little teenage werewolves and all kind of sighed/chuckled to ourselves. And some of you commenters shared a few of your high school weirdo memories with us.
I remember in 7th grade I followed around these kids who were Wiccan and I thought they were cool and I wanted to be Wiccan, too. Then one day a storm partially tore off a limb from a 50 ft oak tree in the courtyard and a tree service came to trim it off. One of the kids said looked up at the tree and said, "The mother goddess won't be happy." Instantaneously I realized these kids were huge queers and so I went to hang out with the kids who smoked pot and listened to Slayer.
The Craft came out when I was in 7th grade and there was a group of girls at my junior high who decided to dress/act like the characters from that movie. I can only imagine if those girls and these Junior Furries had been students in the same school at the same time.
I went to boarding school with a lot of weirdos, but the weirdest, by far, was the kid who sat in front of me in one of my English classes. He never showered, so he smelled like wet dog (fitting), and he thought he was a werewolf. Seriously. An honest to God werewolf. He didn't dress like the kids in this video, which actually makes it even weirder to me.
Meanwhile, in other news, teenagers in most of the rest of the world continue to worry about old-fashioned things like finding enough to eat, getting a basic education, and keeping the local warlord from raping their moms and pressing them into military service. Coming up next: Pictures of Justin Bieber's haircut!!!
Aw, spoilsport.
Tell us your high school weirdo tales!