
Kissing Sailor Eye-Rapes, Feels Up Diane Sawyer

abalk · 08/07/07 11:20AM

"Good Morning America" played host to George Mendonsa today. Mendonsa claims to have been the lippy sailor kissing the nurse in Times Square in that iconic Life magazine photo taken at the end of the Second World War. If this clip is any indication, he most certainly is the fellow in question: Dude is all over Diane Sawyer. It's a little creepy, actually.

Sam Champion Busts Out

abalk · 08/03/07 12:25PM

This morning, "Good Morning America" weather hottie Sam Champion provided an incredibly servicey piece on how to escape from a locked car in the event of a bridge collapse, which, remember, is looking ever more likely. It's a rollicking, macho adventure as a safety goggle-wearing Sam shatters the window. The best part is the many, many times Sam tells you to "grab hold of the LifeHammer." It's almost like he's said that in a car before!

Sam Champion Is The Weather Emperor Of Us All

abalk · 07/26/07 03:25PM

If you have a sexual fantasy involving Good Morning America's weather-boy Sam Champion being fanned and fed grapes by African-American children while reclining on some bizarre blue foam piece of furniture, today is like Christmas, Valentine's Day, and your birthday rolled up into one bizarre little package.

abalk · 06/18/07 07:29AM

The "anthrax" letter sent to Sam Champion reportedly came from a former temp. [Page Six]

Michael Moore Holds Chris Cuomo Responsible For Iraq War

abalk · 06/13/07 10:23AM

Tubby peacenik Michael Moore took to the airwaves this morning to decry the media's coverage of Iraq in the run-up to the war. Lighting into "Good Morning America" anchor Chris Cuomo, the ample activist blamed ABC and the other networks for failing to ask the tough questions. A visibly annoyed Cuomo pulled the "my anchor got blowed up" card in defense. It's a nice bit of television: Whether you come down on the side of Moore or the side of the media, it allows you to dislike both of them equally.

There's A Reason They Call It 'GMGay'

abalk · 06/12/07 09:27AM

As finale fever grips the nation, even the anchors at "Good Morning America" are getting in on the act. They discuss their favorite series finales in television history. Their picks may surprise you! Unless you've been paying attention.

The Gayest Show In The Morning

abalk · 06/05/07 09:14AM

CHILDISH staffers at the "Today" show have been reduced to homophobic name-calling about their rivals at "Good Morning America" - Diane Sawyer, Chris Cuomo, Robin Roberts and Sam Champion. A network source says, " 'Today' staffers, from top to bottom, executives to interns, refer to 'GMA' as 'Gay-MA' " and snicker about the hosts. "GMA" has been gaining in the ratings on No. 1 "Today" and cut its lead in half. For their part, the "GMA" folks are said to refer to "Today" as "Yesterday." Reps for both shows declined to comment.

Is Diane Sawyer Sending "Get Me Out Of Here" Signals Through TV?

abalk2 · 11/10/06 11:50AM

Speaking of GMA, a reader writes that "Diane Sawyer had notes on her hand this morning God bless the dear but when she put her left hand up there were crib notes. Visible during her 'on the street' in Jerusalem segment during the bread cart visit. Next scene both hands firmly clasped on mike. Couldn't read what it said but the writing was pretty large." Well, we grabbed a clip, but we've got no idea: At best, it looks like the Hebrew for "Fuck Charlie Gibson." Any amateur graphologists out there want to give us a hand?

Mel Gibson Morning Show Redemption Theater: Choking Toasters And Proper Mugshot Preparation

mark · 10/12/06 12:43PM

Today's Good Morning America interview with Mel Gibson represented the troubled actor's long-awaited first step towards assuring the public that the money they might eventually spend on tickets to his upcoming Apocalypto won't be secretly funneled into a synagogue-burning fund through the frank discussion of his tequila-chugging demons with a respected member of the morning show community. We'll send you on to a clip from the first installment of Diane Sawyer's two-parter without too much preamble, but encourage you to note two moments that come towards the end of this footage: Sawyer's look of bafflement at Gibson's joke about alcohol having the ability to make him want to murder a toaster with his bare hands (apologies to the kitchen appliance community are forthcoming), and his admission that even grievous drunkeness can't diminish an actor's desire to look pretty in his mugshot.

Sam Champion. Meatloaf. Need We Say More?

abalk2 · 10/10/06 02:10PM

Over at GMA, they're hosting "The Great GMA Meatloaf Challenge," in which the four principals present their recipes and contest for the honor of best meatloaf. It's a segment that lends itself to double entendre, so we're especially thrilled to see Sam Champion participate. (Sam's meatloaf secret, by the way, is the inclusion of sausage. You cannot make it up.)

Sam Champion, Always A Bridesmaid

abalk2 · 10/03/06 05:40PM

Yesterday GMA was enlisted to do a little cross-promotion for ABC's The Bachelor: We're Not Even Sure if This Guy is Italian. Here's a pretty priceless moment between "Prince" Lorenzo Borghese and ethereal weatherstud Sam Champion. There's no awkwardness at all, so enjoy.

'GMA' Not Even Trying To Be Subtle

abalk2 · 09/21/06 12:00PM

It's got nothing on Tuesday's explosion of gayness, but this transition from Clay Aiken interview to, well, something else, seems more than a little deliberate on GMA's part. When Diane Sawyer tells you to come out, you come out. Or else.

GMA? More Like GMGay!

abalk2 · 09/20/06 10:30AM

This is just a brief transition from one segment of a morning show to another, but the sheer confluence of themes near and dear to Gawker's heart practically made our heads explode. We hit the trifecta!