As it turns out, the punishing questions of Good Morning America celebrity interrogator Diane Sawyer that led an overmatched, psychologically vulnerable Nicole Richie to admit that the baffling urban planning of Glendale induced her to drive the wrong way on the freeway were only intended to soften up the subject for the kill.

With Richie squarely on the defensive, Sawyer attempted to stage a televised eating disorder intervention, presenting the troubled celebrity with a series of shocking images from her famously underweight past (though it was a cheap shot to Photoshop in a medical-school skeleton next to Lindsay Lohan. The tabloid sensibility really is destroying our morning chat shows) in the hope of inducing a tearful admission of anorexia. The move backfired, however, as a glowing Richie, elevated to something in the neighborhood of a healthy weight by her pregnancy, probably couldn't even recognize the wraith in Sawyer's pictures, and a Great TV Moment was lost. But to her credit, a defeated Sawyer refrained from grabbing her by the neck and shouting, "Listen, you skinny bitch, you're going to tell America that you nearly starved yourself to death because of Hollywood's obsession with thinness, or you're not going to live long enough to make it to jail."