
All the Best Shit to Buy at the RNC

Ashley Feinberg · 07/21/16 04:30PM

CLEVELAND — The free market is alive and well here at the Republican National Convention. Because in addition to the official, RNC-sanctioned merchandise for sale within the arena, private vendors are making a killing selling Trump-themed refuse to freedom-loving, Hillary-hating passersby everywhere.

A Gift Guide For Your Co-Worker the Day After the Office Holiday Party

Gabrielle Bluestone · 11/25/15 06:00PM

So you’re having an office party. Good luck with the next morning. Because wherever you wake up—be it in bed, draped over your toilet, or even, like one Gawker writer who will remain unnamed, still riding the subway—here’s the hard truth: It’s going to be a struggle.

A Gift Guide for Teens by Teens

Kelly Conaboy · 11/25/15 05:15PM

Looking for something to buy a teen this holiday season? Look no further than this very gift guide, a gift guide that is for teens and by teens.

Five Vapes You Can Buy for the Cool Person in Your Life Who Vapes

Taylor Berman · 11/25/15 04:00PM

Were you a cool guy who smoked but now you’re an old guy who, instead of quitting altogether, prefers to inhale smoke-like material from a machine that glows? Or are you a pothead looking for a new way to smoke weed? Great. Let me help you pick out some Christmas gifts for yourself.

A Gift Guide For the Crash Dieter 

Jordan Sargent · 11/24/15 06:00PM

It’s almost 2016, and with such little time left to complete new year’s resolutions from last year, your friends or loved ones might be finding themselves desperately looking to get in better shape. May you interest them in a holiday crash diet?

What to Give Your One Black Friend: A Holiday Gift Guide

Jason Parham · 11/24/15 05:30PM

Congrats—you did it! In spite of some racially insensitive comments and “Can I touch your hair?” queries during February, you survived another tumultuous year as a Privileged American Man (I know, I know—I’m surprised, too). Sure, you lost a few friends and family members along the way, but such is life in a post-Rachel Dolezal World. Fortunately, Stanley, the black kid who lives two doors down, is still mostly cordial with you. Thus, to reward his continued friendship despite your continued ignorance, you’ve decided to be a pal and gift him some “pretty super stuff” (your words, not his). As the ancestors say: One man’s white guilt is another man’s good fortune.

500 Days of Kristin, Day 303: A Gift Guide by Kristin

Allie Jones · 11/23/15 05:00PM

Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 1:18)

A White Person's Gift Guide For Their Asian Friend

Aleksander Chan · 12/16/14 12:25PM

Fuck. You forgot to buy your Asian Friend a Christmas present. You didn't realize until recently that your Asian Friend even celebrated Christmas. You're really learning a lot about your friend...and yourself.

The Best Gifts for the Stoner in Your Life Who Refuses to Grow Up

Andy Cush · 12/08/14 12:53PM

Stoners, though an affable bunch, have regrettable taste in just about everything. It's a trope as old as thyme rolled in cigarette paper and sold as a joint, and it's true: the outside world only knows about drug rugs, mushroom posters, and the Disco Biscuits because poor weed-smoking saps actually buy into those things. How are you supposed to get your blazed-out buddies gifts befitting reasonable adult humans this holiday season without totally alienating them?

A Gift Guide for Someone You Hate

Leah Finnegan · 12/05/14 01:00PM

An unfortunate reality of the holiday season is that one must obtain gifts for those they don't necessarily like. One might even hate these people. For example, Uncle Tim's new wife Shea's daughter Melody, who once said you would be pretty if you had bangs. Or your boss, Mr. Man, who has never paid you back for the all lattes you have purchased for him. Or your ex-boyfriend, Carl, whose stunted progress on his novel—about you!—ended your relationship.

A Gift Guide for Your Stressed-Out Friends and Family Who Need a Break

Kelly Conaboy · 12/04/14 11:30AM

We all know someone who needs to relax. Whether they need to "relax" in the sense that they just need to chill out already, damn, or they need to "relax" in the sense that they truly deserve a break; be they a blogger who feels a base level of purposeless anxiety pretty much nonstop, or someone who has an actual reason to feel stressed. They are in our lives, my friends, and they need gifts.

Gawker Gift Guide: Gizmodo Edition

Taylor Berman · 12/16/13 04:45PM

To make sure everyone buys everyone the best gifts ever, this year Gawker has divided the universe of potential gift recipients into readers of our Gawker Media brother and sister sites.

Gawker Gift Guide: Lifehacker Edition

Hamilton Nolan · 12/12/13 03:26PM

To make sure everyone buys everyone the best gifts ever, this year Gawker has divided the universe of potential gift recipients into readers of our Gawker Media brother and sister sites.

Gawker Gift Guide: Kotaku Edition

Adrian Chen · 12/06/13 02:41PM

Merry Christmas. Or not. Whatever winter holiday you celebrate, you probably do it by substituting love and kindness with cheap plastic garbage wrapped in pretty paper. And if you're like us, you find it distracting to put too much thought into what to buy your loved ones. Each year we try to solve that problem by HARNESSING THE AWESOME POWER OF GAWKER MEDIA'S PROPRIETARY PUBLISHING PLATFORM, KINJA, to gather the best gift suggestions the internet has to offer. This year, we've divided the universe of potential gift recipients into readers of our Gawker Media brother and sister sites—I mean, we're all surrounded by Jezebel and Deadspin and Lifehacker types, right? We begin with Kotaku: What should you buy for the nerd gaming person in your life?

Great Holiday Gifts Ideas for All the People You Hate

Richard Lawson · 12/07/08 12:25PM

Christmas (and the Jewish Chanukahs) are almost upon us! People are literally making a killing at the discount stores. But you, bedraggled and drunken procrastinator, you probably won't get started with your shopping until the 23rd or so. And then it will be a mad dash. What to buy? And for whom?? Well, after the jump I'll give you a few helpful suggestions that ought to help expedite the process a wee bit. Print the list out, file it away, then go back to lying on the rug and drinking spiced eggnog from a mug with a straw and laughing dimly at George Lopez reruns.