We all know someone who needs to relax. Whether they need to "relax" in the sense that they just need to chill out already, damn, or they need to "relax" in the sense that they truly deserve a break; be they a blogger who feels a base level of purposeless anxiety pretty much nonstop, or someone who has an actual reason to feel stressed. They are in our lives, my friends, and they need gifts.

Below is a selection of relaxing gift ideas for our stressed out friends and loved ones. Before you read it, please press play on the following YouTube:

Diptyque's "Feuille de Lavande" Candle ($60.00)

$60 is expensive for a candle. For $60 you could buy a pair of pants, or two $30 items, or even three $20 items. But did you know that I almost suggested this candle, which is $95? Hah! Be grateful that I didn't suggest that candle and buy your loved one this indulgent, relaxing, woodsy lavender scented Diptyque candle. It is nice.

Yoga Classes Nearby ($100.00?)

Oh, this would be nice. Maybe he or she would like to take some yoga classes? And if there is something preventing him or her from taking yoga classes, like being a stay-at-home dad or having a lot of pets, maybe you can offer to watch the pets or baby. How generous of you!

Hide Her iPhone (Free)

Hiding a friend or loved one's iPhone is a free and easy gift. "Have you seen my phone?" she'll ask, "I just need to check on some work emails." Huh, no, I haven't seen your phone. I'll look for it while you take a nap. She won't know it's her Christmas present, but she'll enjoy it and also you'll buy her that candle!

Hide His Computer ($Free)

Hiding a friend or loved one's computer is a free and easy gift. How is he going to check [work something] and see if there's any [work thing] to do during a Christmas lull if he can't find his god damn laptop? He can't! "Have this hot chocolate," you'll say, "I'll look for your damn laptop."

Huge Bathrobe ($73.50)

A huge bathrobe would be so great. Like the kind you'd steal from a hotel, except you didn't steal it: you bought it brand new. :)

A Bottle of Justin's "Right Angle" ($30)

Or whatever, but this one tastes good and is not expensive but is also not the cheapest thing available, which is important for the holidays.

DUSIEC Ocean Relax Projector Pot Music Input,ocean Light,ocean Lamp,music Projection ($16.69)

DUSIEC claims this is "perfect for workaholics who like to unwind with a quiet bath at the end of the day." It projects a colored water-looking image onto your walls, providing the sensation that you are drowning, watching the water above you quiver as your worldly anxieties and stressors drift away. You must have put a lot of thought into this relaxing gift!

Lavender and Flax Filled Eye Pillow ($14.95)

This is nice, especially if you put it in the fridge before using. He can wear it while burning his lavender candle!

Comfort Research 7-Foot XXL Fuf in Comfort Suede, Espresso ($236.96)

Holy shit. Reviewers say it "feels like memory foam" and is "amazingly comfortable." This is perfect for literally anyone.

A Fancy Trip ($????.??) ($?????.??!?!)

Oh my god. How much money do you have? If you have a lot of money, planning a fancy trip to either a destination your loved one wants to visit or a destination you suspect your loved one would enjoy would be a perfect, very relaxing Christmas present. "But what about my loved one's work, which is a major source of his or her stress—the very stress we are trying to alleviate? I don't know about his or her vacation time. Plus, I mean, isn't it true that vacations can sometimes cause more stress than they allevi—" SHUT UP.

Mini Zen Garden ($12.00)

Maybe a little on-the-nose, I will admit.

Lush's Dreamtime Bath Melt ($14.49)

This is a great gift. It smells great—like lavender and jasmine—and forces its recipient to take some time to relax with a bath. Maybe you can also get your friend a book that they'd like, so they can read it in the bath? Or a copy of a magazine. Or you can write them a very long letter!

Wooden Letters "Relax!" ($10.08)

There are few things available for purchase online that say "Relax!" quite as literally as this $10.08 wooden rendition of the command. "Relax!" it says. Maybe your loved one can put it on his desk, or on her mantle. Maybe he can put it in his bedroom. Every time they look at it they'll think, "Relax!"