Idol's Rocker Nurse Mutilates A '70s Classic
Seth Abramovitch · 02/28/08 06:30PMWe should probably preface this by saying that we have nothing against Joplinian (Janis, not Scott) American Idol contestant Amanda Overmeyer. For starters, she's like this bull-dykey, hog-riding, hard-rocking nurse. That's kind of awesome. When she was told she made it to the final 24, she did not dissolve into a weepy puddle of gratitude. Her "thing America doesn't know about me" is that she enjoys the activity of reading (i.e., not communicating with the other mongoloid contestants). And she chose a freaking Kansas song for last night's top ten girls' competition. Watching this performance, however, we couldn't help thinking that Overmeyer was one of those Angel of Death nurses, the song was the patient, and her interpretation was the fatal amount of morphine slipped surreptitiously into an I.V. when no one is looking. R.I.P., "Carry On Wayward Son."