Your 'American Idol' Boys' Scandal Round-Up

Week Two of American Idol competition trotted out the boy competitors once more before the Randy/Paula/Simon firing squad, with the ascendancy of teen idol prodigy David Archuleta a seemingly foregone conclusion: Producers left his interpretation of "Imagine" to the end of the broadcast, knowing no one in their right minds would tune out before hearing him sing. He nailed it, and probably the entire season while he was at it, sending a blubbery Paula Abdul on a fruitless quest for the words to express how this 17-year-old wunderkind had restored her faith in humanity. (It came off as something about wanting to rip his head off and hang the bloody trophy from her rear view mirror, though we think her heart was in the right place.) To keep things interesting, however, we thought we'd focus instead on the minor scandals erupting around some of the other contestants. Last year around this time, Antonella Barba toilet photos rocked a nation. This year, so far, the scandals are relegated to the men:
· There's a good reason that Robbie Carrico, the former boy-bander who's thus far failed to convince the judges that he has the soul of a rocker, looks like "Justin Timberlake with a really bunk weave," as describes him. He's wearing a wig. "Sources tell us Robbie never talks about his matted down piece and that makes production members feel like it's the blonde elephant in the room." [TMZ]
· David Hernandez, who reestablished himself with a fairly soulful rendition of "Papa Was a Rolling Stone," might be a Stealth Gay, overshadowed by some of his more flaming competitors. Photos have emerged of him working as a shirtless bartender at a Phoenix gay bar called Burn (or Bum, their logo makes it hard to discern), and—get ready for the scandal part!—that he stripped at another fine Phoenix establishment called Dick's Cabaret. Gasp. [Vote For the Worst]
· Finally, in the most scandalous scandal of all, message boards have been identifying blond-accented singing dad Jason Yeager as having gone the Jerry Lee Lewis route with his son's mom, minus the incest part. If you catch our drift. We can't even mention it here! It's much too scandalous! []