You didn't think Everybody's Suing Everybody Day was over yet, did you? It's time to ratchet things up a notch, and pit giant studio against giant studio! Fox has filed suit against Warner Bros. over Alan Moore's graphic novel Watchmen. Warner already has their version of the superhero story in the pipeline for 2009, directed by 300's Zack Snyder with a cast that reunites Little Children's Jackie Earle Haley and Patrick Wilson. Fox, meanwhile, claims they bought exclusive rights to the property in the late '80s, and that producer Lawrence Gordon never paid the full buy-out price that would have allowed him to shop it around. They want nothing less than the production to be shelved, with not even Zach's personal pledge that he won't "gay it up like my last graphic novel adaptation" enough to sway their made-up minds. [THR]