
Stephen Colbert Explains the War on the Second Amendment that Obama Isn't Waging

Matt Toder · 03/27/12 10:52PM

On tonight's' Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert took a look at the fear on the right that President Obama will come for their guns if he is elected to a second term. What evidence do they have? Simply that he hasn't made any attempt to come for them yet. As Colbert put it, "no evidence is the only evidence I need."

Jon Stewart: Fox News Is a Bunch of Cry Babies

Matt Toder · 03/14/12 10:45PM

As discussed on tonight's Daily Show, Fox News decided not to cover the primaries last night but instead chose to focus on their standard whining about the liberal elite and President Obama's poll numbers and NPR. Yet, they somehow managed to scoop CNN on the primary results, even though CNN was reporting the returns before they were official, making CNN the biggest loser of the night.

Jon Stewart Slams Fox News' Free Speech Hypocrisy

Matt Toder · 03/13/12 10:32PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart took Fox News to task over the way they have exemplified the way the right has played the victim in the aftermath of Rush Limbaugh's comments about Sandra Fluke; they've taken an "offsetting penalties" approach and roped in the fact that Bill Maher called Sarah Palin the C word in the past. Of course, the fact that they condemn Maher with the same language they use to defend Limbaugh is beside the fact.

'The Obama Administration Wants to Impose Secularism on Everybody:' This Week in Hate-Watching Bill O'Reilly

Matt Toder · 03/03/12 10:10AM

Bill O'Reilly is a pretty religious man - his belief is based on the tides coming and going out - and so the recent culture war about religion has really been in his wheelhouse. He's particularly mad at President Obama (what else is new?) on account of the President's march toward secularism and all the horrors that entails. He revisited the subject three times this week on his show. Here are sixty seconds of his best quotes, with a bonus nugget of wisdom from Rick Santorum.

Three Nassau County Cops Indicted For Special Favors to a Donor

John Cook · 03/02/12 04:29PM

The worm turns: As we've reported in the past, the Nassau County Police Department's internal affairs division did a special favor for Bill O'Reilly a couple years back by investigating the detective who was dating his wife. The investigation was launched in part because O'Reilly was considering a sizable donation to the NCPD's private foundation. Yesterday, the Nassau County District Attorney announced the indictments of three NCPD officials for...doing special favors for a donor to the NCPD's private foundation.

Republican Pol Gives Really Creepy Interview with 5-Year-Old Son

Maureen O'Connor · 03/01/12 06:43PM

Republican Senate hopeful Barry Hinckley recently debuted an ad today in which his cute 5-year-old son Hudson explains the economy. Today Fox News host Neil Cavuto invited the father-son duo on his TV show, where the toddler ventriloquism took a horror movie turn.

Jon Stewart Mocks the Cable News Channels' Election Coverage

Matt Toder · 02/29/12 11:40PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart recapped the inane time-killing methods that the cable news networks, specifically CNN and Fox News, had to employ during last night's coverage of the primaries. The Fox Newsies argued about home state vs. native state and Anderson Cooper took a walk to a gigantic glass cube to get no new information whatsoever. Good times all around.

Jon Stewart on Fox News: 'Rooting for America to Fail'

Matt Toder · 02/28/12 11:20PM

Tonight's Daily Show took a look at an issue that should be a surprise to no one: that Fox News is little more than a mouthpiece for the GOP. How bad is it? Their hosts are reading position papers that the GOP sends out to help them shape the debate about the recovering economy. Yes, it really is that blatant.

'They're Portraying Him As a Religious Zealot:' This Week in Hate-Watching Bill O'Reilly

Matt Toder · 02/25/12 09:30AM

With another debate and batch of impeding primaries on his mind, Bill O'Reilly spent much of his week talking about the GOP candidates, particularly the surging Rick Santorum. When O'Reilly sees Santorum, he sees a man being abused by the liberal media who are painting Santorum as some kind of religious nut bag for no reason at all. Apparently, all of Santorum's rhetoric about contraception and God passed O'Reilly by. All in all, it gave Billo plenty to complain about this week.

'President Obama is a Nanny State Champion:' This Week in Hate-Watching Bill O'Reilly

Matt Toder · 02/18/12 09:55AM

Fox News blowhard in chief Bill O'Reilly has a serious problem with President Obama's "nanny state" and he really got a chance to flex that muscle this week. And why haven't you heard about all the civil liberties the current administration is stomping on? Why, because of the liberal media of course, another one of O'Reilly's punching bags. All in all it made for a particularly blustery week in O'Reilly-land. Here are the highlights in 60 seconds.

Jon Stewart Examines A Fox News Analyst's Claim That Female Soldiers Are Getting Raped Too Much

Matt Toder · 02/14/12 11:43PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart took a look at the arguments various right wing types are floating against the idea that women should be serving at the front lines of our military. Rick Santorum is worried that female soldiers endanger missions as the male soldiers would have trouble seeing them in peril. Liz Trotta, a Fox News psycho, doesn't want women around because they're getting raped too much, which is obviously their fault. She actually said that.

Is Romney Conservative Enough for Sarah Palin?

Louis Peitzman · 02/12/12 11:43AM

Everyone's favorite pundit and reality star Sarah Palin has yet to endorse a Republican presidential candidate. (But Sarah, there are so many great options to choose from.) The Washington Times has an article about Palin's appearance on Fox News Sunday, where she (predictably) pondered the question of Romney's conservatism.

A Week's Worth of Bill O'Reilly Hate-Watching in 60 Seconds

Matt Toder · 02/11/12 09:18AM

Ever feel the compulsion to hate-watch Fox News' biggest blowhard but find that you just don't have the time on account of being the super busy and important person you are? Well fret not, we've done all the hard work for you and present to you now a sixty second clip of Bill O'Reilly's most hate-able moments from this week.

We Came Very Close to Learning About Bill O'Reilly's Relationship to the Nassau County Cops

John Cook · 02/03/12 01:35PM

Yesterday, a Nassau County Supreme Court judge ruled that the Nassau County Police Department had improperly withheld records about its relationship with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly, and agreed to release them at 10:30 this morning. About 45 minutes before the documents were due to become available, Nassau County attorneys appealed the decision and obtained a stay of the order.

Who Will Stop These Muppets from Tarnishing Fox News' Good Name?

Jim Newell · 01/30/12 03:05PM

The Muppets are liberal. No, they are communists. This, according to the Fox Business Network's Eric Bolling, who went on a spiel last month decrying the latest Muppet film's choice of villain — a greedy Texas oilman, a common stock villain in Hollywood motion pictures. And now the Muppets have publicly acknowledged their sharp commie biases, by making a joke about how terrible a television channel Fox News is.

Did Newt Gingrich Out Brit Hume's Dead Gay Son?

John Cook · 01/18/12 01:00PM

Out of nowhere, the Miami Herald has dusted off and expanded upon one of Washington's oldest and juiciest political rumors: The one about a rising young beltway journalist and his gay affair with a powerful GOP congressman, and how the journalist shot himself in the head when his lover's political rival threatened to out them. According to the Herald, that rival may have been Newt Gingrich.

Bill O'Reilly Proclaims Self 'Brother' for Distinguishing Between Ice Cube and Ice-T

Max Read · 01/17/12 10:43AM

Here's Bill O'Reilly and Bernie Goldberg, arguing about who is the the most white person on the planet, and who is a "brother," based largely on who can accurately distinguish between two famous black men. I had a long rant planned about how embarrassing and irritating it is when white people play the "who's whitest" game, and all the bullshit ignorant assumptions built into it, but I think Ice T really gets to the heart of the issue in this tweet:

Stephen Colbert Was Very Impressed With His Cable News Colleagues Last Night

Matt Toder · 01/05/12 12:18AM

With such a close race in the Iowa Caucuses last night, the cable news networks had to stay live into the wee hours of the morning. This proved to be a little much for some of them, as Stephen Colbert made clear on tonight's Colbert Report. Fox News' Bret Baier lost his ability to subtract simple sums and CNN's Erin Burnett had a little trouble mastering the network's new "flick" technology. All in all, it really makes a guy miss Tim Russert's trusty white board.