
Court Docs Confirm O'Reilly's Crusade Against Cuckolding Cop

John Cook · 12/21/11 01:50PM

The Nassau County Police Department has acknowledged in a court filing that Bill O'Reilly played a role in an internal affairs investigation into an NCPD detective, confirming a key element of Gawker's exclusive story last August detailing how the Fox News blowhard tried to have the cop who was dating his wife investigated by his own police department.

Live: The Last Iowa Republican Debate

Jim Newell · 12/15/11 08:58PM

Tonight is that most important of nights for Iowa Republicans: Their final chance to see our beloved field of Republican presidential candidates say the same things they say in every debate. But will they say these things differently? Who will fuck up most comically? Go soak that tampon in grain alcohol, put on a fresh pair of pants, and let's find out — together.

Fox News Has No Clue Where States Are or Which Candidates Are Which

Max Read · 12/14/11 02:57PM

There are two possible explanations for these horrendously mislabeled graphics from yesterday's Special Report with Brett Baier: one, that no one at Fox News knows or cares about where Nevada and New Hampshire are; or two, that the network is somehow trying to fool the Obama administration into pumping millions of dollars into Utah, thinking that it's actually Nevada. Not sure which is less embarrassing. [via Media Matters; image via AP]

Fox News Chartmakers Continue to Poorly Redefine Mathematics

Jim Newell · 12/12/11 04:30PM

The junior high school students who run the Fox News Charts Shop during detention have produced this latest visual explosion showcasing the unemployment rate's fluctuations under our current president, Obama. Some interesting findings here, specifically that the number 8.6 is the same thing as the number 9.0. If Obama can just get the unemployment rate down from 8.6% to 8.8% or 8.9%, then he'll be in the clear.

Bill O'Reilly Attacks Questioner With Umbrella

John Cook · 12/08/11 12:10PM

Corrupt falafelateer Bill O'Reilly loves nothing more than a good old-fashioned ambush interview. Except when he's the ambushee, in which case he will attack you with his umbrella and try to have you arrested. That's what he did last night when an activist armed with a video camera caught him apparently leaving a Newt Gingrich fundraiser.

Look, Greta Van Susteren Is Not a 'Real Journalist,' Okay?

Hamilton Nolan · 12/01/11 10:25AM

Rigidly visaged Fox News television presenter Greta Van Susteren has already established herself as the least journalistic "journalist" in all of this great land, due to her complete mystification as to the very concept of journalism. This is most clearly evidenced by the fact that she is close personal friends with newsworthy figures, yet continues to pretend that she is "covering" them as a "journalist," rather than "performing metaphorical fellatio upon them" like a "fanboy." Whether you think this is convenient or inconvenient is closely correlated with whether or not you think Fox News is a "good" news network.

The Joy of Watching a Flustered Mitt Romney

Jim Newell · 11/30/11 12:30PM

Mitt Romney doesn't give all that many in-person, one-on-one interviews, and perhaps this rare exception for Fox News' Bret Baier shows why. He gets snippy at any mention of him lacking convictions, or flip-flopping all the time, as though these are not the major concerns about him among the Republican base. Watch him anger-laugh all of these questions away! "Hey Mitt, why do you love health care mandates so much?" "HA HA, BRET, YOU ARE TOO GOOD, TOO GOOD, HA HA HA (I WILL KILL YOU.)"

Jon Stewart Mocks Fox News for Overreacting to Obama's 'Godless' Thanksgiving Address

Matt Cherette · 11/28/11 11:36PM

In case you were too busy eating last Thursday to keep up with the news, some conservatives were very upset with President Obama for leaving God out of his YouTube Thanksgiving address. No, Obama isn't the only recent president to do so, and yes, God was in his written address, but that didn't stop Fox News from devoting way too much airtime to overreacting to the "snub." So on tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart gave the crybaby network a nice lashing.

Gretchen Carlson and Bill O'Reilly Will Save Christmas Whether You Like It or Not

Matt Cherette · 11/17/11 10:57PM

Clown-hued shriek monster Gretchen Carlson was on tonight's Factor, where she and Bill O'Reilly battled each other for the title of commander-in-chief of the war on the secular War on Christmas. "Just this week, Santa was thrown out of a cancer center in South Carolina. Santa!" said Carlson, apparently unaware of the fact that Santa isn't in the Bible. Then O'Reilly said he would take down companies who ban their employees from saying "Merry Christmas," because JESUS. A clip of the segment is above.

Sarah Palin Is Prepared to Personally Lynch Jerry Sandusky

Jim Newell · 11/16/11 12:31PM

Former political person Sarah Palin, who's still performing her role as occasional whackadoodle on Fox News, went on last night to discuss the tragic case of former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky allegedly raping young boys for decades. She had a nuanced reaction to the whole affair, specifically that Jerry Sandusky should be lynched.

Meet Gloria Cain

Jim Newell · 11/14/11 02:49PM

Herman Cain's wife, Gloria, will finally appear with Fox News' Greta van Susteren tonight for her big introduction to the world! Since you won't watch that, here's a 37-second preview — just enough to "get" her.

Jon Stewart: Herman Cain's Enemy Is the Truth

Matt Cherette · 11/08/11 12:05AM

Jon Stewart opened tonight's Daily Show with a recap of the latest developments in Herman Cain's sexual harassment scandal, including the news that a fourth accuser had come forward to tell her story. Cain, of course, stuck to his "Blame the media" narrative." But as Stewart then explained, it's hard to make a point when the truth—unlike Fox News—isn't on your side.