
Roger Ailes Doesn't Want Your Stinking Money

John Cook · 06/01/12 10:30AM

Vindictive troll Roger Ailes, who—when he's not busy using corporate security to tail his employees, calling local cops to fish his keys out of his locked car, or overseeing the production of political attack ads disguised as news programming—owns a pair of small-town newspapers in rural Putnam County, N.Y., is an absolute master at real-time reflexive paranoid hysteria. For instance, if you write things about those small-town papers that he doesn't like, he will go through the subscriber rolls, find your name, and cancel your subscription. Attention to detail!

Fox News Is Now Producing Its Own Anti-Obama Attack Ads

John Cook · 05/30/12 03:34PM

This morning on Fox & Friends, Fox News aired a straight-up, unadulterated four-minute attack ad mocking Obama's "Hope and Change" message and cataloguing the purported failures of his administration, complete with ominous music, depressing charts, and voiceover audio of Mitt Romney attacking him. Not someone else's ad, mind you—this was actually an in-house production of Fox News, involving weeks of work by a Fox staffer.

In Calling New York Times 'Lying Scum,' Roger Ailes Tells Absolute 100% Total Bald-Faced Lie

John Cook · 05/29/12 10:00AM

Fat dick Roger Ailes, who runs Fox News channel when he's not busy spying on his employees, threatening old men, or trying to destroy people who take photographs of his bathrooms, made some waves last week when he called the New York Times "lying scum" for writing about him. What made fewer waves was the fact that the thing that had him so exercised about the Times never happened, and his accusation was itself a lie.

Jon Stewart Examines the Right's Evolving Viewpoint on Same Sex Marriage

Matt Toder · 05/10/12 10:34PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart continued to examine the ramifications of President Obama's statement about same sex marriage by looking at Fox News' response. He looked specifically at the ways that response has evolved over the years from same sex marriage as first step in bestiality to same sex marriage as political posturing to the majority.

Manhattan DA Refuses to Disclose Contacts With Roger Ailes or Fox News

John Cook · 05/08/12 04:16PM

In the wake of the New York County District Attorney's decision last month to launch a criminal investigation into Joe Muto, a.k.a. the Fox Mole, for the alleged theft of videos from his former employer Fox News, we thought it would be worthwhile to find out what we could about what relationship, if any, exists between the DA's office and Roger Ailes' operation. So we used New York's Freedom of Information Law to ask for correspondence and emails between Fox News employees and staffers in the DA's office. Today they refused our request.

Watch Stephen Colbert's Sharp Takedown of Fox News' Steve Doocy

Matt Toder · 04/23/12 11:12PM

It isn't necessarily news that Fox News' Steve Doocy has taken a quote from President Obama completely out of context but a recent example caught the eye and ire of Stephen Colbert. On tonight's Colbert Report, Colbert took Doocy to task for putting words in the President's mouth and reduced his journalistic integrity to rubble.

Jon Stewart Details Fox News' About Face on Romney

Matt Toder · 04/19/12 10:48PM

The pundits over at Fox News spent most of the GOP primary season talking about how Mitt Romney wasn't conservative enough to win the nomination and now that he has all but won it, they've had to drastically change their tune. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart called out three pundits in particular and also unveiled a killer Dick Morris impression.

Here's a Picture of Bill O'Reilly With a Topless Woman Along With the Fox News Legal Threat Meant to Quash It

John Cook · 04/12/12 03:21PM

Hey, look what just came in through the Gawker mailbag from the good people at Epstein Becker & Green P.C.: "Gawker should immediately stop publishing information and videos that have been unlawfully obtained by or from Joe Muto, and return them to Fox News." I'm pretty sure they're referring to this, this, this, and this. Or at the very least, they're talking about this photo of Bill O'Reilly frolicking with his bros and some half-naked lady. We'll explain where it came from later.

Jon Stewart Weighs In on Fox News' Reaction to NBC's Manipulation of George Zimmerman's 911 Call

Matt Toder · 04/09/12 10:35PM

When it came to light last week that NBC had edited the content of George Zimmerman's 911 call the night he killed Trayvon Martin - an edit which strongly implied a racial bias via an excised question - Fox News went into full on outrage mode. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart took a survey of their coverage and found it came up quite short, especially when they claimed some sort of righteous adherence to the truth.

'All the Bloviating in the World Won't Matter:' This Week in Hate-Watching Bill O'Reilly

Matt Toder · 04/07/12 08:55AM

Mitt Romney's nomination is all but decided at this point and Bill O'Reilly has moved his show's narrative ahead to the general election. During the week on the O'Reilly Factor, he made the point that only the debates will really matter and that the rest of it is just "bloviating." Does that mean he'll tone down the rhetoric at all? Of course not.

Secret Video: Newt Gingrich's Creepy Wife Grooming Him Like a Circus Walrus

John Cook · 03/28/12 10:45AM

As John Edwards learned the hard way, the camera is always on. It was certainly on in the bowels of Fox News' dark tower last November as failed presidential candidate Newt Gingrich's icy wife-bot Callista prepared him for an interview with Bill O'Reilly. She brushed him like a horse, sprayed him like Cher, and locked down his hair with dead-eyed precision. Then O'Reilly said he looked like Justin Bieber. Burn.