[There was a video here]

Republican Senate hopeful Barry Hinckley recently debuted an ad today in which his cute 5-year-old son Hudson explains the economy. Today Fox News host Neil Cavuto invited the father-son duo on his TV show, where the toddler ventriloquism took a horror movie turn.

Every time Hudson speaks, his father mouths everything he says—including um's and ah's—simultaneous to Hudson's speech. "WHAT THE F**K IS HE DOING?!" Mediaite writer Jon Bershad asks. Bershad comes up with three possible answers: Barry is a ventriloquist, Hudson is a robot, or Barry scripted Hudson's responses in advance.

Though Barry's tooth-grindingly tense demeanor could suggest scripting, Cavuto's questions don't strike me as planned. He even catch the father-son duo off guard a few times. Maybe Barry just instinctively mouths everything his son says? Is that something parents do? Like twin ESP, but weird controlling paternity? FREE HUDSON HINCKLEY. [Cavuto, Mediaite]