
100-Foot Sinkhole Opens in Florida Bedroom, Swallowing and Killing Man

Max Read · 03/01/13 08:12AM

The earth opened up behind a one-story home in Florida late last night, swallowing an entire bedroom into a sinkhole—now 100 feet wide—and likely killing one. Authorities say that their equipment has been unable to find signs of life, meaning that the 36-year-old man who was sucked into the rubble is believed dead; according to early reports, the victim's brother attempted to rescue him, only to himself require rescue by an arriving sheriff's deputy. "It sounded like a car hit my house," Janell Wheeler, the man's aunt and one of the occupants of the home, told the Tampa Bay Times. The sinkhole, which expanded from 30 to 100 feet wide overnight, is reportedly still developing; its causes are unclear, though it's not man-made. [Tampa Bay Times | CNN | Sheli Muniz]

Hamilton Nolan · 02/20/13 09:28AM

Florida Atlantic University's football stadium will be named after GEO Group, which runs private prisons. Appropriate.

Marco Rubio: The State of the Union Is Glurge

Mobutu Sese Seko · 02/13/13 11:37AM

Last night, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) got cottonmouthed, wiped and licked his lips and finally interrupted his delivery of the GOP response to the State of the Union to bend over and drink some water. By now, you've read someone explaining why this proves Rubio is not presidential material. Or is. Whatever.

Naked Florida Man Jumps Off Roof Onto Homeowner, Knocks Television Over, Empties Vacuum Cleaner, Masturbates

Jordan Sargent · 01/22/13 08:59PM

It's never a dull day in Florida, our country's most fantastic state. Let's set the scene: It's Monday, January 21, and an unnamed North Fort Myers resident is lying in bed relaxing after a hard day's work. Just after 7 p.m., he hears a noise coming from his roof — he thinks it sounds like thunder. He goes outside to investigate the disturbance, when he sees 21-year-old Gregory Matthew Bruni running on his house. Bruni leaps from the roof, tackling the man. Bruni is naked.

Florida's Governor Adopted a Dog for the Campaign, Promptly Returned It From Whence it Came

Robert Kessler · 01/14/13 07:28PM

A dog can be a political double-edged sword: treat it well and you get lots of good press; treat it shitty and, well, just ask Mitt Romney how that worked out for him. Florida's Republican (and wildly unpopular) Gov. Rick Scott is the latest politician to fall victim to dog-loving media. The Tampa Bay Times reveals that shortly after being elected governor, the Scott family returned a rescue dog they had adopted during the campaign back to its previous owners. Yikes.