
Armed Hate Crime Victim Decides Not to Shoot Attacker

Jordan Sargent · 01/05/13 06:48PM

Earlier this week, a 24-year-old Tampa-area resident named Cameron Mohammed was walking with his girlfriend into Walmart at around 3 a.m. when the two were approached from behind by a 25-year-old named Daniel Quinnell. Quinnell allegedly yelled racial epithets at the two, then fired 20 shots at Mohammed with a pellet gun — pictured above — striking him multiple times in the head and neck. Mohammed was armed, too — but with a real .45 caliber pistol. He chose not to shoot.

It Has Been a Bad 24 Hours For Strippers

Jordan Sargent · 01/03/13 09:05PM

It's almost never a good thing for a stripper to make the news. The last 24 hours — which has seen strippers hospitalized, arrested and fired — has proven at least that much.

Florida is Now Hiring Python Hunters

Robert Kessler · 12/07/12 02:38PM

Florida is looking for participants in the most dangerous game. No, not that most dangerous game: python hunting. Burmese pythons are actually a major problem for Florida, specifically in the southern part of the state, where they are decimating natural flora and fauna like bugs, probably, and narwhals and unicorns, maybe (I have no idea what lives in the Everglades).

Mainstream Media Attack Dogs Think We're Asking Too Many Questions About Orange Pie

Hamilton Nolan · 12/03/12 03:25PM

Here at Gawker, we stand in opposition to the back-slapping Lamestream Media and its cozy relationships with Big Business, from Big Fruit all the way to Big Pie. That's why we were the only news organization brave enough to come right out and ask, "Hey, how come you never see orange pie, on the menu or whatever?" It was only a matter of time before Big Pie sent out its MSM attack dogs to try to recapture the narrative.

It Only Costs $500 to Ride a Manatee in Florida

Mallory Ortberg · 11/25/12 10:45AM

A woman in St. Petersburg, Florida was arrested yesterday after the local sheriff's department published photos of her riding a manatee in nearby Tampa Bay. The woman, identified as Ana Gloria Garcia Gutierrez, has been charged with violating the Florida Marine Sanctuary Act, which seeks to "protect and preserve living and other resources of the Florida Keys marine environment."

Why Marco Rubio Cannot Believe In Science

Mallory Ortberg · 11/19/12 09:17PM

Florida Senator Marco Rubio has clearly learned a thing or two from Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock when it comes to qualifying public statements. Reminding us that a comprehensive understanding of the earth's history is reserved for only the most seasoned of sages and alchemists, with many glowing astrolabes, he told GQ that the true age of the planet is "one of the great mysteries" of our time. It seems fairly clear, however, that in suggesting parents teach their children about the formation and development of the planet using either "what science says" or "what their faith says" where he lands on science.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/16/12 12:52PM

Tech problems at JPMorgan Chase have temporarily disabled Florida's entire food stamp system. How appropriate.

America's Meanest Business Owner Will Make His Employees Regret Getting Health Care Coverage

Hamilton Nolan · 11/15/12 01:56PM

After Barack Obama's reelection, some business owners went so far as laying off workers and attributing it to fear of new taxes; other employers vowed to reduce employees' hours in order to avoid paying for their health care under Obamacare. Those actions are despicable in their own way, but at least they may be defended as a sort of rational business move. How exciting that one fine business owner has figured out a way to become a bigger asshole on this issue than any of his peers.