
Adam Weinstein · 05/12/14 01:11PM

Asked Sunday if he thinks he's ready to be president, Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) replies: "I do." Asked Sunday if he believes in human-caused climate change, Rubio replies: "I do not."

George Zimmerman's Best Racist Friend Now Says He Was Guilty of Murder

Adam Weinstein · 05/12/14 10:05AM

He stood up for Trayvon Martin's killer at trial and on all the talk shows. He fine-tuned the narrative of Martin as a thug. He concealed his own criminal history and conducted white supremacist podcasts. But Frank Taaffe has had a change of heart, and now says Zimmerman is a racist murderer.

Horrifying and Rare "Goblin Shark" Found off the Coast of Key West

Kelly Conaboy · 05/04/14 02:30PM

Oh good, another thing to fill our nightmares! A rare "goblin shark" was caught by Georgia fisherman Captain Carl Moore about 10 miles off the coast of Key West in April. The last recorded sighting of this species of deep-sea nightmare shark was in 2000.

Rick Scott Is the Dumbest Politician in the History of All Politicians

Adam Weinstein · 04/30/14 11:25AM

Say you're an embattled conservative governor in Florida. Say you want to go out and glad-hand with voters who hate Obamacare as much as you do. What's the stupidest place to do that? How about a senior center in South Florida, where Barack Obama won in 2012 by half a million votes?

The Legend of "Pervert Dave," Who Killed Two People, Continues to Grow

Adam Weinstein · 04/22/14 08:44AM

By now you've probably heard of "Pervert Dave" Cummings, the Florida man who vaulted to posthumous fame when an obituary including his peculiar nickname hit viral velocity. But according to a new story, we didn't know the half of it—like the time he shot Wheelchair Skip six times.