
Adam Weinstein · 04/15/14 08:59AM

Annual nudist jamboree for Gen Y-ers. In Florida, obvs. No job? No clothes? No problem. (Video link SFW, although there is one old hippie naturist dude.)

Florida Second Amendment Men Have a Lot of Crazy Gun Bills to Pass

Adam Weinstein · 04/10/14 02:02PM

As Florida's rubber-stamp GOP Legislature burns through its wingnut agenda faster than the shards of a 10mm Black Talon slug through a thug's internal organs, the nation's leader in gun-nuttery stands poised to pass a bevy of new laws to liberate handcannon culture from the pistol-prudes.

Legislators Ban Young Impressionable Interns During Abortion Debate

Adam Weinstein · 04/10/14 08:52AM

During discussion of controversial issues on abortion and fetuses Wednesday, Republican leaders of Florida's Legislature sent all of the House's teenage pages out of the chamber, and they weren't allowed back in until debate opened on the next issue: guns.

Florida Republican Blames His Party's Woes on "Puerto Rican Influx"

Adam Weinstein · 04/08/14 02:00PM

The Republican leader of one of Florida's most populous urban centers was asked this week why his party was faring so poorly among voters in the area. His answer was that government-loving "semi-socialist" Puerto Ricans are moving in and changing things for the worse.

Florida Man Mistakes Suicide Jumper's Corpse for April Fool's Gag

Adam Weinstein · 04/03/14 10:44AM

A desk clerk at a Tampa Bay apartment complex for seniors nonchalantly disposed of the body of a resident who'd jumped 16 stories to her death Tuesday night, mistakenly thinking all along that her corpse was a mannequin left from an April Fool's prank.

Adam Weinstein · 03/25/14 01:56PM

Pro tip: If you want to keep a Hispanic billionaire as the top fundraiser of your embattled Republican gubernatorial re-election campaign in heavily Hispanic Florida, try to keep your gringo staffers from cracking jokes in fake Mexican accents on a ride to Chipotle.

Inside the American Id: Chilling With the South’s New Secessionists

Adam Weinstein · 03/21/14 11:45AM

The opening shot, the Fort Sumter of the newest campaign to take back Dixie, was a billboard. Months ago it appeared on the parkway in Tallahassee, just east of the Capitol, positioned so you could see it and the edifice of Florida government side-by-side, the sun popping off both of them together at daybreak. Most of the sign was taken up by six big black letters on a white background: SECEDE.

Hamilton Nolan · 03/20/14 09:31AM

Retired corporate executive "Chainsaw" Al Dunlap, dubbed a "psychopath" for his relentless commitment to slashing jobs at the companies he ran, was escorted out of an Ocala, Florida City Council meeting this week for shouting.