
Bald? You So Dead

Hamilton Nolan · 06/01/10 03:57PM

Back fat! Artery gunk! Acupuncture science! Butterfly strokes! Bald death! Coke problems! It's your fundamentally important Health Watch, where we watch your health—assuming you're human, which we do!

Kids Finding New and Funner Ways to Die

Hamilton Nolan · 05/25/10 11:41AM

Deadly sunscreen! Hooters fat! Soda hypertension! Vaccine kids! Dirty blood! Swimming babies! Swallowing batteries! It's your super-scientific Health Watch, where we watch your health—while developing firm opinions on issues too technical for us to grasp!

What You Eat Will Kill You Soon

Hamilton Nolan · 05/10/10 10:38AM

Horse therapy! Lettuce addicts! Healthy men! Bodega diets! Church workouts! Nursery cake! Food mockery! It's your Monday Fitness Watch, where we watch fitness—while snacking voraciously!

Happy Meal, 'Ultimate Power Meal' Both Deadly

Hamilton Nolan · 04/28/10 04:30PM

No toys in your food! Poison in your food! Fire fight your food! Hot peppers are your food! An electronic device is the master of your food! It's your Fitness Watch, where we watch your fitness—while sucking a habanero!

Do Not Stop Working Out Until Your Bones Fracture

Hamilton Nolan · 04/01/10 04:47PM

Injuries are nothing! Soda is nothing! Ab rollers are nothing! Our quote of the day will strengthen you! It's your daily fitness watch, where we watch fitness—while deadlifting properly!

Scientists Discover New Ways to Make Women Self-Conscious

Hamilton Nolan · 03/24/10 12:08PM

Ladies: are you psychotically obsessed enough with your physical appearance? Fear not! Scientists have now determined exactly where you're failing in your quest to not be a fat, disgusting cow. They'll make you insane yet!

Lazy Running or Hard Running Will Kill You

Hamilton Nolan · 03/18/10 10:31AM

When you go to work out should you be all focused and intense and hardcore, or should you just be flipping through some magazine on the elliptical, while sexting? Well, look at it this way: Do you want to die?

US Army Switches to Wuss Workout

Hamilton Nolan · 03/16/10 10:13AM

Can strong core muscle workouts and avoiding bad stew give you plump lips, a killer imperialist warrior spirit, and a victory over Manny Pacquiao? These and other important issues are explored in today's Fitness Watch—we're watching fitness, downward doggedly!

Your Unborn Baby Already Too Fat

Hamilton Nolan · 03/08/10 01:21PM

Fat American wombs are overstuffed with fat baby eating machines that will soon die! Judo and soda taxes are our only hope. It's your daily fitness watch, where we watch your fitness—while jogging!

How Are We Fooling Ourselves Today?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/01/10 11:48AM

Are we sex addicts, or just terrible people? Are our obese children going to live into adulthood, or are we just terrible people? Are those eyelashes real, or are you a terrible person? Science has answers. Bad answers.