
Russell Brand Offers Eva Longoria Parker a Water Sports-Soaked Threesome

Kyle Buchanan · 09/03/08 05:50PM

When we think of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, we picture a family-friendly forum where Republican candidates can come to read funny headlines out loud and maybe, finally, meet a real-life black musician. Lately, though, our G-rated suppositions have gone to hell as the lame-duck Leno has regaled the audience with stories about his interest in an underage Jessica Biel and his auto-erotic fantasies involving actress Scarlett Johansson. Into a more ribald chat show, then, does cheeky VMAs host Russell Brand walk — and boy, does he make the most of it:As he sits on the couch next to guest Eva Longoria Parker, a misheard reference to PETA sends the comedian on a tangent that splashes the audience with sexual offers they've likely never contemplated before bedtime. Bold talk when delivered to a Desperate Housewife, Russell, but we're reserving your comedy credibility until you introduce Miley Cyrus to the concept of a Dutch Oven during this weekend's VMAs.

Eva Longoria Parker Is Going To Make It Rain!

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/07/08 11:00AM

After filming a scene for the upcoming season of Desperate Housewives, Eva Longoria Parker took out a stack of bills and began to count out loud at a very high volume. One crewmember asked if Longoria Parker was going to practice her stealth tipping skills, but the popular actress said that her husband is the undercover tipper in their relationship. Another crewmember thought that Longoria Parker might be headed to the Spearmint Rhino to make it rain. Longoria shook her head and said, "Wrong. All wrong. It's my snack money for when I see Pineapple Express at the Americana tonight, dudes. Skittles and James Franco, crazy delicious!"

To Blackberry Or To Eat

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/23/08 01:05PM

The salad may provide me with enough energy to last rest of today's filming. But, my Blackberry is my Blackberry and I can talk to my husband. The salad is healthy and may be delicious; I think it's a chicken salad of some kind. But, I can talk to all of my friends and see what they're up to. I could find out if Ryan Seacrest really sleeps with his Blackberry under his pillow. I mean, I could do both, but my one handed typing skills are not as strong as I'd like them to be. Tony is good at it, though. Maybe he can teach me. I should message him about that. I think I'm going to do both because they take away my Blackberry as soon as I get within 5 feet of the set.

No One Wants Poor Nicole's Baby

cityfile · 07/16/08 05:25AM
  • The real reason Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban didn't sell baby pics to the tabs? It may have had less to do with morals and more to do with the fact no one was willing to shell out $3 million. [Page Six]

Who Needs Coldplay When We've Got Our 3G Iphones?

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/15/08 04:10PM

After being dropped off in Inglewood for the Coldplay concert, Eva Longoria Parker and husband Tony Parker checked their respective messages on their new iPhones. Yet the twosome became so enchanted with their new phones that they missed the concert altogether. Longoria Parker had noticed that they missed the show when the car service came back to pick them up. The driver asked if they enjoyed the concert after pulling up, but Longoria Parker thought that the man had just dropped them off. The Over Her Dead Body star realized that they had been spending all their time on their phones. Longoria asked if her husband knew that they had missed the concert, but Parker said that he had been watching Coldplay videos on YouTube; so, it was similar to being at the concert, only minus the spilt beer smell.

Jessica Simpson Adds Pamela Anderson To Long List Of 'Bitches' And 'Whores' Who Despise Her

Molly Friedman · 06/30/08 02:45PM

After proving she had little to contribute to the film or starfucking industries, Jessica Simpson finally realized she should keep her pretty-but-pretty-dumb mouth shut for the time being and instead let her t-shirts do the talking, angering PETA in the process. Though the feisty baby seal saviors have their fair share of enemies, they've also impressively managed to get celebrity spokespeople like Alec Baldwin and Eva Mendes to embarrass themselves in public by demanding the public do drugs (Baldwin) or taking off their clothes in the name of fur (Mendes). So naturally, Simpson's public cry for attention irked PETA's most compassionate celebrity nudist, Pamela Anderson, who called her fellow talent-challenged blonde "a bitch and whore" on a radio show. But this is far from the first time Jessica has ruffled another starlet's feathers just by being Jessica. We took a look back at the many ways Simpson has made herself a household name not by selling records or movie tickets, but by starring in her own personal Catfights franchise.

Madge's Brother Has a Story to Tell

cityfile · 06/12/08 07:02AM
  • Madonna's estranged brother Christopher Ciccone is writing a tell-all book about his sis, and it's supposed to be extremely graphic and "devastating." [Page Six]

Eva at the CFDAs: Mess, Mesmerizing or Pregnant?

cityfile · 06/03/08 02:03PM

Eva Longoria showed up to the CFDA awards last night in a curve-hugging hot pink Diane von Furstenberg cocktail dress, although whether she a) looked bloated; b) was totally pregnant; or c) was "pert" and "mesmerizing" seems to depends on who you ask. The Daily News concluded she was with child and started disseminating the news accordingly. (Their only evidence: an unflattering pic of her midsection.) The Sun said Longoria "stole the show," looked "stunning," and "transformed her pert boobs into a truly mesmerizing cleavage." E!'s Fashion Police called it an atrocity: "Like a mangled car parked in front of your school before prom, Eva’s disaster reminds us there are certain colors, styles and shoe pairings we should never replicate." Guess that applies to your hot pink dress, too, Tory.

Tom Cruise And Katie Holmes Throw Bash For Everyone In Hollywood Who Secretly Hates Them, Including Suri

Molly Friedman · 06/02/08 03:55PM

When the Count and Countess of Scientology throw a party, they do not set out plastic lawn chairs and serve crustless honey-drenched finger sandwiches. No, when TomKat decide to invite all of their friends and frenemies (and even some enemies!) over for a daytime soirée, the Knights of Hubbard throw the kind of party that puts everyone from the Royal Family to Donatella Versace to shame. On Saturday afternoon, TomKat decided to congratulate themselves on purchasing yet another of their many torture chambers loving households in Beverly Hills by hosting the likes of Kirstie “I Should Be Dead” Alley, Oprah “Never Forget” Winfrey, Victoria “Posher Than Katie” Beckham, and Jennifer “Marc Is Sick Again” Lopez. And putting aside Suri’s adorably Croc-like sandals and her ongoing tendency to appear just as frightened of her father as the rest of the world, this A-list party’s most impressive attributes were the pimped out rides. After the jump, a collection of the invitees in their modes of transportations, and a sampling of just how much security goes into protecting their Friends and Foes from Xenu’s ominous Orwellian eye:

Tom And Katie Kiss And Make Up With Beckhams

Molly Friedman · 05/06/08 12:55PM

Though the Metropolitan Museum's annual Costume Gala is considered by most to be the Oscars of the fashion world, the truth of the matter is that no one really focuses on the clothes. What really matters is which celebrities show up to WEAR the clothes and, of course, whether or not they're lookin' good. That said, all eyes were entirely focused on the recently friction-laden, reportedly squabbling super-duo of Team Cruise and Team Beckham, who reunited once again for the cameras. And despite the gushing show of admiration and respect that the Beckhams demonstrated for the the Hubbard-lovers on yesterday's Oprah, both Holmes and Beckham were allegedly competing for the spotlight last night. And in the end? The girl with the higher-slit dress tends to win every time. More photos from the event, including our picks for the best and most horrific looks of the night, after the jump.

Katie Holmes Vs. Victoria Beckham: Who Started The Catfight And Why?

Molly Friedman · 04/22/08 03:00PM

The last two weeks have been rough on the friendship of one-time power duo Victoria Beckham and Katie Holmes. First, the meal-skipping, identical-haircut-sporting pair's friendship took a hit when Tom Cruise became concerned that Posh's influence was having a negative effect on Katie's health. Then, perhaps in retaliation, Victoria neglected to invite TomKat to her intimate pre-birthday dinner. Now, we hear that Katie has begun to distance herself from the Spice Girl-turned-professional partygoer, likely due to the assertions of the press that she's "morphed into Posh." So who's to blame? As Showbiz Spy reports, it seems that Katie Holmes is the culprit behind the fractured friendship:

The Beckhams Are Back On Tom Cruise's Approved Friend List

Molly Friedman · 04/21/08 03:50PM

Last week, Victoria Beckham celebrated her 34th birthday alongside new friends Eva Longoria and Kate Beckinsale, but supposed close friends Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes were nowhere to be seen. Naturally, we presumed that this was either a result of Tom's edict for Katie to stop spending so much time with Posh or an early warning sign that Team Cruise's controlling ways were too much for the Beckhams to handle. But at last night's star-studded birthday party for Posh, not only were Tom and Katie in attendance, but her Katie's choice of gown left us wondering if her curious absence earlier in the week was simply a means to hide the fact that Suri Jr. could possibly be on the way.

Did Tom Cruise Successfully Oust Katie Holmes From Victoria Beckham's VIP Club?

Molly Friedman · 04/17/08 01:05PM

Victoria Beckham and her razor-sharp cheekbones celebrated her 34th birthday last night alongside soon-to-be Yeshivite husband David, and two new female friends: Eva Longoria and Kate Beckinsale, both of whom were dressed to the nines in order to live up to the immaculately glamorous appearances Posh and her cronies tend to exhibit. But were Longoria and Beckinsale also trying to fill the stilettos of Beckham BFF, a role Katie Holmes has filled for so many years? Favored dining, uh, dieting companions Tom and Katie were noticeably absent from the festivities. Did Tom Cruise's wishes to keep Katie away from the bobble-headed Brit come true so quickly?

Retail Therapy Always Helps

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/14/08 01:30PM

After watching her husband suffer a crushing loss at the hands of Los Angeles Lakers, Eva Longoria-Parker, wife of San Antonio Spurs guard Tony Parker, decided to work out her feelings of disappointment and frustration. Longoria-Parker told her friends that she was mostly upset because "of all the games I could've gone to this season , I had to pick the one where he loses." A friend mentioned that it would've been awesome cross promotion for the first post strike episode of Desperate Housewives if Tony had won. Longoria-Parker then held her Barneys bag and smiled, "This makes everything all right though. Now, let's get some margaritas!"

In The World Of 'Pop Fiction,' Nothing Eva Longoria-Related Is What It Seems

Seth Abramovitch · 03/17/08 12:57PM

If you've yet to catch an episode of E!'s Pap Smear Pop Fiction, yet another stroke of punking genius from ascending media tycoon and noted cougar-hunter Ashton Kutcher, we've included a clip above. In it, Eva Longoria, for whom fame has quickly turned into a serious drag (please, God, just return her to a life of anonymity, where she can carry out her various, regular-person functions in peace!), and a think-tank consisting of Kutcher and his staff of ingratiating "producers" concoct a deliciously devious plan to "rekindle the non-relationship" with Longoria's longtime platonic friend, Mario Lopez.

Celebrity Knees Under Attack By British Press!

Molly Friedman · 02/28/08 03:59PM

There's no two ways about it, Americans love obsessing over celebrity nip slips, vadge flashes and sex tapes (even if it is Gene Simmons...shudder). But the British tabs, being as posh as they are, have taken a more conservative approach to body part fascination: knees. While photos of the bony joints attached to Kate Moss, Eva Longoria, Jennifer Lopez and Courteney Cox may not tighten your trousers, the names they've come up with for each gal's wheely kneelies give the NY Post a run for its money in the hed-writing department. Photos of The Sun's picks for Worst Knees, along with their snappy yet barely decipherable titles ("Eva Longoria's Tunnock's Teacakes Kneecaps"!), after the jump.

mark · 11/07/07 01:05PM

Shortly after being taken hostage by vigilante WGA picketers trying to disrupt a Desperate Housewives location shoot yesterday, distraught captive Eva Longoria attempted to purchase her freedom with some Domino's pizzas. After happily gobbling down the snack, her red-shirted tormentors laughed at her incredible naivety, reapplied her duct-tape gag, and rudely stuffed the actress back into her burlap sack, hinting that they might let her out for air again if anyone concerned about her continuing safety were to bring by some Starbucks. [wxyz.com/WENN Photo: AP]

mark · 10/03/07 01:19PM

There is truly no hope for humanity. Somehow, "several tabloids" reported that Eva Longoria's obviously fake, thoroughly unfunny parody of the Paris Hilton sex tape was real, necessitating that she now go on the record about the "scandal." [Extra]

mark · 10/02/07 03:25PM

Always on the cutting edge of comedy, Eva Longoria parodies the Paris Hilton sex tape of 2004. [Funny or Die]