
Now England Has Its Very Own 'Joe the Plumber'

Adrian Chen · 04/28/10 10:47PM

You remember Joe the Plumber, of course. The glare from his bald head illuminated just how dumb our American election process is. Now the English people have their very own Joe the Plumber. Meet 65 year-old Gillian the Pensioner!

Fancy British Historian Caught In Amazon Review Row

Adrian Chen · 04/24/10 06:21PM

British superstar historian Orlando Figes has admitted to leaving scathing Amazon reviews about fellow historians' books. His brilliant pseudonym: "orlando-birkbeck." (He teaches at Birkbeck, University of London.) This sparked a massive historian fight and lawyers were called. Historians! [Guardian] (pic)

Is This Man Britain's Barack Obama?

Nick Rizzo · 04/21/10 05:27PM

Until last Thursday, most Britons had no idea what Nick Clegg, the leader of the UK's third-largest party, even looked like. Now, he's first or second in all national opinion polls. What's going on here?

Gwyneth Paltrow Is Gorging Herself On Rage

Richard Lawson · 04/06/10 03:26PM

From time to time on Gawker we stop to look at what Gwyneth Paltrow is eating. It's a lot! Though, like most people who seek comfort in bad foods, it does not cure her problems. She is still very angry.

Dude, Where's my $200,000 Lamborghini?

Adrian Chen · 03/19/10 12:49AM

On December 17, 2008 a British man parked his $200,000 Lamborghini outside his home. He then got blackout drunk. When he awoke, he had "no idea what happened" to the car. It has never been found. Spooky. [Telegraph]

The Most Beautiful PSA Ever?

Mike Byhoff · 02/08/10 09:52AM

Most ads for the Super Bowl were created on a huge budget for multinational corporations. But this PSA, created by the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership, is not only better than any ad last night, but cost wayyyyy less to boot.

Will Cops or Internet Haters Get to the Facebook Fugitive First?

Maureen O'Connor · 01/04/10 02:04AM

As Suffolk police close in on Craig 'Lazie' Lynch—who escaped from prison in September and is now taunting the cops on Facebook—Lazie battles a temperamental public and inspires imitators. Plus: Another inmate absconds from his prison.

Facebook Fugitive Taunts Cops with Pictures and Status Updates

Maureen O'Connor · 12/29/09 02:15AM

Remember how, in Catch Me If You Can, fugitive Leonardo DiCaprio kept calling Detective Tom Hanks to taunt him? Here is a convicted burglar doing the same thing, in real time on Facebook. Should we celebrate or fear him?

The Incredible Edible London Skyline

Mike Byhoff · 12/09/09 12:35PM

A brilliant and imaginative group of food artists make an exact replica of the London skyline—using food. And instead of using traditional English dishes to make the skyline, they used fruits and vegetables—so it's edible, too!

Doctors Told Not to Use Facebook to Get Ass

Adrian Chen · 12/01/09 10:27PM

When you poke your hot gastroenterologist on Facebook and get no response, don't worry: He's trying to be professional. The UK's largest medical professional organization has warned doctors not to respond to "flirtatious approaches" on social-networking sites.