This is ironic! American Apparel, the Cain to Dov Charney's Serpent (if we're to believe the Jewish version), just held a "rummage sale"—where items are sold on the street at a discount—in London. It caused a riot, naturally.

As this amateur video shows, the reported hundreds—possibly thousands—of Fauxhemian Britons outside the temporary outlet on London's Brick Lane apparently really, really, really wanted their hoodies and leggings and such, so much so that a dozen or more police officers were called in to manage the surly savers.

But that didn't stop one guy from expressing his rage by jumping on top of a nearby car all Michael Jackson-like and shooing away officers with his sneakers, nor did it stop (at least one, by our count) another man from assaulting the police as they tried to subdue and restrain him.

No word yet on arrests, though—with only a reported 30 people being allowed to make purchases—we can't imagine everyone got off scot-free.

Silly Brits, making stateside American Apparel shoppers seem normal. What's next, brawls-turned-voguing matches in front of Buckingham Palace?

Update: We just heard from an American Apparel spokesman via email, who stated the following:

Just an update on the rummage sale. It's back open for tomorrow, Sunday and Monday. We worked with the police and a security team to get something set up so it's safe enough to handle the obviously excited crowd. The statement is up here. Our apologies and discounts are noted there as well.

Click here to see the company's full press release/apology.

[YouTube via Reddit]