
Spitzer Madame To Sing

Ryan Tate · 06/03/08 04:49AM

"Cecil 'Katie' Suwal, 23, agreed yesterday to come clean on her role in the million-dollar Emperor's Club VIP ring." [Post]

How Spitzer's Hooker Scandal Stymied Bear Stearns' Fightback

Hamilton Nolan · 05/28/08 11:14AM

The Wall Street Journal is in the midst of a trillion-word ongoing series chronicling the downfall of Wall Street firm Bear Stearns earlier this year. Today's installment looks at the rapid compounding of the firm's financial problems, which builds inexorably into a crisis. That's nice and everything, but the really interesting part comes when the story reveals what threw a wrench into the multibillion-dollar firm's effort to save its public reputation: Eliot Spitzer and his stupid hooker! Not to mention their old card-playing stoner chairman of the board:

Did Roger Stone Take Down Eliot Spitzer? (Ans: Who Knows)

Pareene · 05/27/08 01:14PM

Roger Stone is a self-aggrandizing imbecile whose reputation for political dirty tricks is obviously patently exaggerated. This much we know. But he maybe had something to do with the downfall of Eliot Spitzer! It's still totally unclear, which is how Stone probably likes it. It's hard to tell if he acts like a buffoon because it throws people off the scent or simply because he is a buffoon. The New Yorker sent Jeffrey Toobin to investigate, but all he really uncovered was that Stone is a gross old pervert.

Spitzer's TV Hooker Confesses Coke Habit

Ryan Tate · 05/22/08 06:21AM

Law & Order concluded its season last night with a thinly-veiled interpretation of the Eliot Spitzer prostitution scandal. The much-anticipated finale was probably a letdown to any viewer familiar with lurid details of the former governor's trysts (black socks!) or the many racy pictures of his call girl Ashley Dupre. There was way too much investigating and lawyering and way too little fornicating and covering up. Is sweeps already over? Anyway, there were still some worthwhile scenes, including the requisite sardonic one-liner that detective Lenny used to do (directed at a hooker, naturally) and a demonstration of how to destroy a governor-screwing, coke-snorting hooker on cross examination (servicey!). There was also an outraged Spitzer look-alike, a conniving governor's wife (not our Silda!) and the immortal line, "I have a friend in the blogosphere."

Silda Spitzer Resurfaces

Ryan Tate · 05/21/08 10:25PM

"Smiling broadly at the flashbulbs and still wearing her wedding ring, she appeared transformed from the crestfallen, betrayed wife who stood beside her husband two months ago." [News]

'Kristen's' Dispatcher Does A Deal

Ryan Tate · 05/15/08 05:08AM

The New York Post's puns don't beat around the bush. "Temeka Lewis, 32, 'fessed up to prostitution and money-laundering charges and promised to tell the feds everything she knows about the Emperors Club VIP, including a blow-by-blow description of Spitzer's dealings with hooker Ashley Alexandra Dupre, aka 'Kristen.'" More importantly, the Post has the new pictures of the woman who brought down New York's governor. She's photographed making the traditional pilgrimage of suburban whores, leaving her mother's home in New Jersey for the bus ride to Manhattan's sleazy Port Authority.

Flyover-country cops want Yahoo to pay them to police its Internet "crack house"

Melissa Gira Grant · 05/02/08 03:00PM

There's money to be made in combating the sexual exploitation of children online, if not in the actual exploitation itself. Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning believes internet companies, not taxpayers, ought to be funding the fight. Bruning (pictured here with "Miss Heartland" Rachel Seidel) addressed the Nebraska Crime Commission this week, telling tales of how he created a fake teenage girl to solicit men on webcams to whip it out for an audience they never anticipated — state cops and senators. Says Bruning, "We had state senators about throwing up in their breakfasts, but we wanted to make a point and I think we did." But who will be picking up the check for his educational services? He wants Yahoo, among others, to do so:

Ashley Dupre, Out And About

Hamilton Nolan · 05/01/08 01:17PM

Ashley Dupre, Eliot Spitzer's call girl and special friend, is back on the town! She's feeling safe enough from the hordes of paparazzi to venture out to the clubs once again, and that seems only fair. Dupre was reportedly out partying at Marquee last night [Steve Lewis], where "she sat very inconspicuously on the back of a banquette waving her arms and partying like a party girl." We're offering a $100 prize for a picture of her (cell phone camera or otherwise) at the club. Email us. And some nightclubs are so excited, they'll even settle for anyone vaguely resembling New York's most famous political party girl:

Eliot Spitzer Movie, Book To Haunt Your Dreams

Ryan Tate · 04/30/08 05:53AM

Penguin Group paid $350,000 for a book about former Gov. Eliot Spitzer's rise and comeuppance (ahem), to be written by Fortune's Peter Elkind, according to a report in the Observer. But better still, there's going to be a movie! In case, you know, visualizations of Spitzer having sex weren't horrifying enough when confined your imagination. Writes the Observer, "Filmmaker Alex Gibney... is working on a Spitzer documentary, the release of which will be timed to the publication of the book." A documentary? Meh. Spitzer's life calls out — screams out, really, in ecstasy — for filthy fictionalization. And of course Larry Flint and Hustler are already on the case with Gov Love: The Elliott Splitz-Her Story, the safe-for-work trailer for which is after the jump.

Roger Clemens: Baseball's Eliot Spitzer

Hamilton Nolan · 04/29/08 09:42AM

Here on day two of the Roger Clemens Infidelity Scandal And Schadenfreude Festival Of '08, it's becoming more clear that the brawny former Yankees ace pitcher and full time jerk did in fact cheat on his wife with the wild country singer Mindy McCready. Because now she's admitted it! McCready said the two did have an ongoing affair, although the sex didn't start until she was of legal age. They first met when she was only 15, (Miley Cyrus joke). But the most entertaining aspect of this scandal is how Clemens—heroic, honored, self-righteous, dismissive of critics, a King of New York—is turning into an uncanny baseball version of another recently fallen hero: Eliot Spitzer.

Hooker Sues Pornographer For Immorality

Ryan Tate · 04/28/08 10:52PM

Eliot Spitzer call girl Ashley Dupre can sexually exploit herself just fine, thank you, and doesn't need any help from Girls Gone Wild, the video company she is now suing in federal court in Miami. Girls Gone Wild founder Joe Francis had offered Dupre $1 million to pose for a nude video, but rescinded the offer when he found footage of a 17-year-old Dupre in his archive of drunken teen nudity. He repackaged the footage as Hooker Gone Wild, and Dupre is accusing Francis of marketing the video in a way that makes it sound hotter than it actually is, i.e. properly fulfilling his duties as Chief Poontang Officer at Girls Gone Wild:

Spitzer Hooker Nabs Mariah Carey Manager

Ryan Tate · 04/28/08 05:09AM

Ashley Dupre is one step closer to her big dream of being a famous singer instead of the most famous prostitute to service former Gov. Eliot Spitzer. She totally got signed by diva Mariah Carey's manager! Well, her ex-manager, at least. Before a big falling out. But he stills reps this singer called Mika who maybe you've heard of. And according to one anonymous Daily News source, there's been "quite a bit of interest" from record labels in Dupre. Or, if you believe the other anonymous source, "every label passed." Ugh! Seriously, who do you have to blow in this town to get a straight answer about your record demo? [Daily News]

Spitzer Hooker Hires Andy Warhol Protege For 15 More Minutes

Hamilton Nolan · 04/21/08 11:03AM

Eliot Spitzer's favorite call girl, Ashley Alexandra Dupre, has finally hired a PR firm. Why she waited so long, we have no idea. If she wanted help fending off media coverage, she would have done well to hire somebody as soon as the story broke; likewise, if she's planning on capitalizing on the scandal to build her own personal brand, she'll need to strike while the iron is hot. Which was about three weeks ago. The Daily News reported that she hired Susan Blond Inc., an entertainment-heavy NYC firm whose client list has included Ice Cube, Britney Spears, David Bowie, and Criss Angel, among many others. I smell a second-rate music career about to be launched! So who is Susan Blond? An Andy Warhol theory come to life.

Whoring Ex Guv, Wife In Counseling

Ryan Tate · 04/14/08 03:04AM

"Given that Mr. Spitzer was forced to resign after being implicated in a prostitution scandal, it is perhaps no surprise that he and his wife, Silda Wall Spitzer, are in couples therapy - before his resignation, Mr. Spitzer himself promised to address his personal problems." [Times]

Silda Spitzer Knew Eliot Was a Cheater

Sheila · 04/10/08 09:20AM

Reports by the Post hinting that Silda knew about her governor husband's hooker habit could change her narrative from a reluctant political wife to a complicit, calculating Hillary. Maybe she didn't know the gritty details and thought Eliot was just having an affair, like normal politicians. But according to the Post, a source told Richard Johnson that Eliot said his "[bleep]ing wife doesn't care [about the prostitutes], so why does anybody else care?"

Silda Sticking With Client #9?

Ryan Tate · 04/08/08 05:42AM

Last night a tipster emailed to say she spotted Silda Spitzer at 3 pm "on Madison between 77 and 78 looking fantastic, extremely thin, walking and laughing with another woman. Glad to see girlfriend having some fun. No sign of Client 9." Then, this morning, in the Daily News, came word that Silda was, in fact, spending some time around town with her husband, whoring ex-governor Eliot Spitzer. The two were seen hanging affectionately in Central Park:

Horace Mann-Sense: Li'l Roy Cohn Sad, Former School Head's Spitzer Connection

Pareene · 04/04/08 02:07PM

Little public figure Charles Stam was the villain of New York Magazine's cover story on the terrible nonsense that goes on at tony prep school Horace Mann. Stam harassed a teacher for being a liberal feminist, and even lied about having a tape of her calling him a Nazi in an attempt to get her fired. He was promptly elected student body president! We posted a small picture of him from the Horace Mann yearbook earlier this week, and that made Stam sad. He emailed Gawker boss Nick Denton to ask that we remove his "personal material" from the site. Instead, we will reprint his email. It's after the jump, along with the sad tale of school head Thomas Kelly's toxic waste playground for the poor kids, and why it's all Eliot Spitzer's fault.

Spitzer Hooker #2 (?) Update: Everyone Is Lying, Says Everyone Else

Hamilton Nolan · 03/31/08 08:12AM

Here we are in the fifth day of the Possible Spitzer Hooker #2 saga, and the tabloid accusations continue to fly back and forth like so many bullets made of sex. Kristin Davis, who everyone agrees ran several high-priced call girl rings, also stands accused by the Post of servicing Eliot Spitzer himself; the Daily News says she has no connection to the Love Guv. The latest developments: Daily News sez madam serviced big sports star; No way, sez Post. Plus: Is the Kristin Davis "Black Book" client list a hoax? The Post says yes, for some reason!