
Emails From Eliot

cityfile · 07/25/08 06:02AM

The official investigation into Eliot Spitzer's efforts to discredit Joe Bruno has landed four former administration officials in legal hot water. More amusing are some of Spitzer's emails, many of which show that while Spitzer may have been a stickler when it came to what to wear in bed, he wasn't all that anal when it came to the English language: "Referring to a meeting that Mr. Spitzer apparently had with Rupert Murdoch, the Post's owner, and the paper's editor, Col Allan, the governor wrote, "Col allen essebntially said they uswe trheir paper as a club. Subtlety is not their world view. At end, who cares. Substance trumps." [NYT]


cityfile · 07/24/08 01:52PM

Jennifer Hudson signing autographs for fans before filming a segment for Regis & Kelly ... Julianne Moore hailing a cab in the Village ... Rainn Wilson taking a walk downtown with a chick ... Jessica Simpson leaving the Ritz-Carlton on Central Park South ... Nas protesting outside the News Corp. building ... Eliot Spitzer taking a solo stroll uptown ... Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon holding hands while walking to dinner ... and half the socials in Manhattan at a goodbye party last night in honor of Rufus Albermarle.

REVEALED: Spitzer In Money-For-Bed Scandal

Ryan Tate · 07/15/08 10:48PM

"Two payments to the Mayflower Hotel [NO!] in Washington were included in former Gov. Eliot Spitzer's latest campaign filing, released on Tuesday afternoon. The two payments, $411.06 apiece, were recorded on Jan. 14 - predating the now infamous February rendezvous with a prostitute that prompted his resignation - and the immediate purpose of the payments was not clear." [Times]

The Spitzer Prom!

cityfile · 07/07/08 11:06AM

Disgraced ex-governor Eliot Spitzer recently headed off for a summer vacation with his wife and daughters in tow. Just before the family headed out of town, one member of the family celebrated a very special event: 18-year-old daughter Elyssa Spitzer attended her senior prom. The Horace Mann graduate—and soon-to-be Harvard student—hit up the Pierre in Midtown for the big event. Beforehand, though, Elyssa had to suffer through that all-too-familiar rite of passage—the parental meet-and-greet—introducing her date, Sam, to her dad. (Curiously, though, Silda Wall Spitzer was absent from the pre-prom festivities. Update: A family rep informs us that Mrs. Spitzer was, in fact, present. She just wasn't photographed.)

Billion-Dollar Babies In Love

Ryan Tate · 07/07/08 05:27AM
  • The daughter of former Yahoo CEO Terry Semel, Courtenay, is dating the heiress to the Johnson & Johnson fortune, Casey. Semel used to date Lindsay Lohan, Johnson used to date a dude, until he was "snatched" away by her aunt. [P6]

Ashley Alexandra Dupré approves your friend request!

Melissa Gira Grant · 06/24/08 05:00PM

The internet's favorite escort, Ashley Alexandra Dupré, wants to apologize for taking so long to approve your Friend Request on MySpace. "All of my pending friend requests from 3/12 through now were deleted by myspace (if you do not approve them within a certain number of days, they get deleted) so...please please please re-send and you should be approved automatically." We forgive, you, Ms. Dupré — we know you were busy. And shame on you, MySpace, for interfering with a working woman's self-promotion by blocking those friend requests.

Hooker Hotel Brings Together Obama, Clinton

Ryan Tate · 06/18/08 02:03AM

Oh, hey, bitter Hillary Clinton supporters! The Barack Obama presidential campaign knows many of you are threatening to vote for Republican presidential candidate John McCain because supporting Obama would feel like swallowing insults to feminism and, I guess, the "popular vote" in the sham Florida and Michigan elections or whatever. To help you get over these irrational fears you are selling out, a triumphant Obama and a heavily-indebted Clinton would like to meet you personally, in Washington, at a hotel famous for bringing together powerful male politicians and desperate female whores. Bring your checkbook! Leave your uncomfortable analogies at home, please, kthxbai. [Daily News]

Spitzer's Pimp Admits Everything

cityfile · 06/13/08 05:37AM

Another guilty plea from the people behind Eliot Spitzer's favorite high-class prostitution ring: Mark Brener, 62, the ringleader of Emperors Club VIP, pleaded guilty to conspiracy as part of a deal he struck with prosecutors. The Israeli native's plea comes a week after his girlfriend, Cecil Suwal, also pleaded guilty to conspiracy, and a month after booking agent Temeka Lewis pleaded guilty to similar charges. The aging Brener can now look forward to 24 to 30 months in prison, lending further credence to that old chestnut, "It's hard out here for a pimp."

Silda Didn't Even Take Out Him for Dinner

cityfile · 06/11/08 06:41AM

So how did Eliot Spitzer celebrate his 49th birthday yesterday? He displayed an extraordinary lack of judgment once again: He spent the morning jogging in Central Park on one of the hottest, most disgusting days of the years. [NYDN]

Spitzer to Devote Self to Making Money

Pareene · 06/10/08 09:14AM

There's some good news for Eliot Spitzer today! The former governor, who prematurely became former when he was caught sleeping with prostitutes, has been laying low since his resignation, leaving people to speculate just what he'll do next. And today we get an answer! He's going to screw over homeowners. Spitzer, who built his reputation on defending the little guy against Wall Street's worst, is starting a vulture fund. He's taking over his dad's real estate company in order to "scoop up distressed real estate assets around the country, revamp them, and flip the properties for a profit," he told a group of DC union officials last month. Now that he's free of the obligation to govern people to the best of his ability, he's free to take advantage of the massive credit crisis that's shaking the very foundation of our economy for a quick buck. The Sun explains more:

Spitzer Almost Nailed For Thing He Already Admitted

Ryan Tate · 06/10/08 06:01AM

Oh wow! The feds are totally about to bust former Gov. Eliot Spitzer for, get this, sleeping with one or more prostitutes! What a coup. It seems federal prosecutors have lined up their third pimp-type cooperator in their case against Spitzer, Emperors Club VIP operator Mark Brener. Brener's deal follows similar cooperation from alleged madam Cecil Suwal (who doubled as Brener's girlfriend) and alleged booker Tameka Rachelle Lewis. There's supposedly one-more ringleader in negotiations, close to striking an agreement. Hooker Ashley Alexandra Dupre and one other call girl are also testifying. The feds are salivating with excitement, since crafty Spitzer didn't say anything in his apology speech they can use against him in court:

Happy Birthday, Eliot!

cityfile · 06/10/08 05:15AM

It's a big day for Eliot Spitzer! First off, it's the disgraced governor's birthday: Yes, 49 years ago today, Bernie and Anne Spitzer were responsible for brining Eliot Laurence Spitzer into this world. But it looks like he won't be able to relax and truly enjoy the special day. According to the Post, prosecutors have such a strong case against him, they didn't even have to bother to offer Mark Brener, the ringleader of the Emperors Club, a sweet deal to cooperate with the investigation. Brener is expected to spend 30 months in prison on money-laundering and prostitution-conspiracy charges after he pleads guilty on Thursday.

"Tutela Valui"

Hamilton Nolan · 06/09/08 05:13PM

Expert academic translation of Spitzer hooker Ashley Alexandra Dupre's Latin stomach tattoo: "I guess on some weird level, if you wanted to translate it into some modern sense of the word, You could say, 'I used protection.'" [City Room; pic via NYDN]

No Downtime for Eliot Spitzer

cityfile · 06/04/08 06:01AM

It's been 77 days since Eliot Spitzer resigned as New York's governor because he was caught patronizing prostitutes. So what's he been up to since? Has he just been vegging out in front of the TV, immobilized by depression, rueing how he squandered his political career by compulsively seeking out sex with hookers? Nope—he's got a day job! While his wife is defiantly attending benefits, and while the woman who facilitated his liaisons is pleading guilty to laundering money, Spitzer is punching in at the office of the only person willing to hire the most disgraced ex-governor: his father, ultra-rich real estate magnate Bernie Spitzer.

Sad Spitzer Working For Dad

Ryan Tate · 06/04/08 05:06AM

Other than contemplate the ongoing federal probe over his prostitute habit, what does former Gov. Eliot Spitzer do with himself all day? Punches the clock at his dad's real estate company, it turns out. According to the Observer, Spitzer is poised to eventually take over for his father, who has been treated for Parkinson's disease. Of course, the job means hitting up bankers Spitzer relentlessly hounded as New York attorney general. How uncomfortable. Hopefully the former john has some experience handling embarrassing and awkward situations! At least he doesn't have to worry about real estate brokers and fellow owners, back-slapping types who apparently share Spitzer's taste for quality poontang: