Last night a tipster emailed to say she spotted Silda Spitzer at 3 pm "on Madison between 77 and 78 looking fantastic, extremely thin, walking and laughing with another woman. Glad to see girlfriend having some fun. No sign of Client 9." Then, this morning, in the Daily News, came word that Silda was, in fact, spending some time around town with her husband, whoring ex-governor Eliot Spitzer. The two were seen hanging affectionately in Central Park:

"They were strolling and talking. It seems very obvious they're staying together," says the witness. "They weren't holding hands, but were walking closely together under the cherry blossoms."

The Daily News' tipster also noted the couple weren't wearing hats or sunglasses. Silda was out and about enough to also be spotted by our (fairly effusive) emailer.

Maybe they want to be seen.

Eliot and Silda have dropped some big hints. If they clarify exactly what is going on, we can finally move along to judging them.

[Daily News]